Website Video Idea – Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight Video

Do your customers know who they are talking to when they call your business line? How about your potential customers. Ideally, they don’t know you or haven’t met you directly. This would mean that they found you online through a search engine and have made the decision to call you. Wouldn’t it be nice if they had some idea of who they were talking to when they call? Now they can!

We believe that potential customers would like to feel comfortable calling a business. We also believe that a business can move the level of comfort for potential customers to the positive by supplying the customers with an Employee Spotlight video. This allows the customer to know who they are talking to. We’ve all seen the About Us pages on websites that usually contain a photo with a brief description of their role. Why not change this? Why not make this a video introduction supported by the brief job description of the employee? This can significantly improve search engine performance for each person’s name as well as the name of the business.

Who Needs an Employee Spotlight Video?

This works particularly well with organizations like law firms, partnerships, ad agencies, and chambers of commerce. These tend to have lower turnover allowing the video to have a longer shelf life. Even if turnover is a little higher, shooting a video highlighting high-level employees can improve morale and make the employees feel a bit more connected to the company/firm.

If you’re considering a video that spotlights the employees and partners in the business, contact us today to learn more about how we can help.

Simple Video Blog Ideas

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You’re probably reading this because you want to improve your website’s SEO. You’ve heard that video on your website can help SEO, but you’re looking at your computer and decided, you need a topic. You could write about your topic, or you could do a video. While we’ve given tips about How To Set Up Your Video Correctly, coming up with the topic can be a little difficult. This blog post is about picking a topic and running with it!

The How-To-Video

Videos that describe how to do something can be very helpful for your potential customer. After all, they need help. Why not be the solution? For example, about 4 weeks ago I needed to learn how to hang a flat screen television to a wall. The directions that came with the hardware wasn’t helpful, so I Googled it. I found hundreds of videos, but I selected the one that was titled correctly and after a few seconds began to teach me how to successfully hang the TV. (Side note, the TV is still hanging on the wall — Success!)


A different version of a video How-To-Video, but an important one. If you have something to show or describe on your computer screen, use ScreenCast or CamStudio. They capture what you are doing on your computer screen. I have used this program when I need to show someone how to set up an account on a website or how to make changes to a computer setting for better video viewing.

Video Interview

This is where we can come in to compliment your activities. Conducting interviews of clients or important people in your field of business can add value to your website. We’ll help you make the interview look professional and insightful. We’ll make sure you stay on topic and relevant to your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do you have a list of questions that potential clients ask frequently? Or do you have a list of questions that existing customers ask? Put together a list of frequently asked questions for them to refer to before sitting down with you. For example, a dentist might answer questions such as, “How do I prepare for my root canal operation?” or an Estate Planner might do an FAQ video about, “What documents do I need before I meet with my Estate Planner?” These can assist in SEO as well as help your customers/clients.

These are just a few options when deciding on what type of videos you can use for a blog and how you can use them. If you would like us to help you plan some of these out, simply give us a call.

How Long Should My Video Be On My Website?


Length of Video

Did you know that 50% more people will complete a 1 minute video than a 2 minute video? That’s significant considering most businesses want to post longer videos. We tend to recommend that if you want to post a video, that it be under 1 minute…and if you have more to say, let’s find a way to break it into smaller, bite-sized pieces. This allows the viewer to continue to click through the important portions of your videos (education) while also identifying what is important to potential customers…or what is not said efficiently somewhere else on the website.

So, I Shouldn’t Post A Long Video?

Not necessarily. It really depends on the type of video.

  1. Commercials. Many companies need to education potential customers about what they do or the benefits of the product. This can usually be done within 30 seconds.
  2. How To. Some companies need to educate current customers about how to use a product, such as how to assemble it or how to use it safely. In these cases, the length of the video is less important; however, it is important that the video get to the point quickly or the viewer will think the video will be a waste of their time.
  3. Testimonials. Testimonial videos can be up to 2 minutes. People like to watch other people give testimonials before they buy to help them determine if they are making a good choice. By providing sufficient time for multiple testimonials, the potential customer can watch as many or as few testimonials as needed to help them make a decision.

We hope this helps you make an educated decision on how long your video should be. Whether we produce it for you or someone else, make sure the length of the video is correct for it’s use. Contact us if you have any questions.


Video Testimonials – Do You Know the Secret? Video Improves Website Presence

While word of mouth is an excellent way to build your business, did you know that capturing a testimonial on video of your clients so that potential clients who research your company is highly effective? Ponder this: a client is searching via Google for your services. They want to know some more information about what your company offers. They don’t necessarily want to hire you, but they find you because you have a video on your website. Your website has the keywords required to capture Google’s attention and your video convinces them to buy.

Your video is only 2 minutes and it is filled with your clients bragging about how they have benefited from your product or service. They learn about how you took the time to learn what they needed and provided exactly the right service and as expected.

This type of video is known as the testimonial video and it accomplishes two things: (1) bonus points for the video (Google owns YouTube, therefore the algorithm pays special attention to your site with the embedded video); and (2) it shows the potential customer/client that you know what you are doing. It illustrates, from a satisfied customer, how you do business and that they are so satisfied they feel comfortable explaining to the world how you’ve helped them. Powerful! Here’s an example:

The best way to approach a client about doing a testimonial video is by letting them know that you are shooting a video for your website. Many people would love to brag about someone they know can and will do the job. Select those clients that have referred you business from others as the priority individuals. Also, consider the mix of messages that they each can provide. For example, if one can provide insight into two facets of your business and another client can offer two different facets, that might just be the right mix.

As always, you can use us to help you create the plan, organize the shoot day, and complete the project on time. Let us know how we can help!

6 Questions To Ask a Production Company BEFORE Hiring Them

What Should You Ask a Video Production Company?

There are several questions you should ask a production company before proceeding and these are important because not all corporate video production companies are created equally. Sounds cliché, but when you hire someone to create a professional video, you expect high-quality output…and you should get it. Here are some questions to ask before deciding on whom to hire:Questions, ask a production company, video

  1. Can you show me a sample (or 4)?  If you’re shooting a corporate video, whether for a website or for television, you’ll want to see samples of their work. In fact, you should ask to see a portfolio of their work so you can get a feeling for their style and skill level.
  2. Would you describe the personality of our business? Because your company has a personality and culture, you’ll want to find a production company that fits into that culture and personality. In fact, they should be able to identify and describe the culture and personality of your company during your first meeting. If they can’t, they are not paying attention to the details, and will not when you hire them.
  3. What ideas can you provide for this video? When meeting with them, they should be able to give you a couple of creative thoughts of what they visualize in the video they want to shoot for you. Additionally, if you have some ideas of what you want the video to look and feel like, that can be both a help and a hindrance. This can be a dream or a nightmare for the producer. Regardless of whether the vision is right or not, a good producer should provide some insightful feedback about why the vision will work, will not work, and how to improve it.
  4. Do you stay in budget? And, what happens if it goes over budget? If you are focused on the budget prior to calling the meeting, you may be considering the wrong factor. Budget should be a factor, but not the deciding factor. Because a poorly planned and executed shoot creates a subpar video; therefore, a little bit extra can make a big difference. Weigh and balance the budget accordingly.
  5. Can you deliver on quality that matches my expectations? Remember the creative is always subjective, but the quality of the video should be in line with your expectations. Quality also means having the proper sound equipment, the proper lighting, the proper framing, and an attention to detail (such as the background) can all make an impact on the final product. Look at the samples to determine if they have what it takes.
  6. What happens if you miss the deadline? A good producer can describe the timeline associated with the shoot. If he or she cannot map this out for you, your follow up question should be, ‘how many deadlines do you miss?’ A good producer can miss a few, but a great producer rarely misses. When you ask this question, look for their reaction. You’ll know if they can hit a deadline by their answer.

These six questions are a good start to helping you decide on the proper corporate or web video production company. By asking these questions, you’ll begin to get a feel for the quality of their work and their ability to perform.


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What is Video Production

How To Be Ready For Your Video Production Shoot Day

sony video camera

By following these tips, you’ll find you will save a little time, aggravation, and money on your shoot day. You’ve hired the production team; they’ve created the script, scouted the location, and started the planning process. They may have even hired some professional actors for the shoot. Here are the steps you can take to improve the video outcome.

Solidify Your Needs

Knowing what your objectives are for shooting is important. Defining them early is even more important. There is nothing more frustrating for a client when they change directions, change objectives, and find out how much it will cost them because the script doesn’t accomplish these tasks. Anytime a client decides to change directions, a cost is incurred later. Clarify your objective and needs before doing anything else.

Communication with the Producer is Critical

Do you know what you’re going to do with the video? Communicate it with the producer. Do you know you’re going to need commercial for TV at a later date? Communicate it with the producer. Do you know that you are going to use these for multiple websites or multiple blog postings? Communicate it with the producer. The more the producer knows in the beginning, the better the planning will go and the better the results of the project.

Save Time (& Money) in the Edit Suite

Video production includes editing, cutting clips together, importing video, color correcting, adjusting audio levels, and exporting. All of these tasks take time. Editors work on an hourly rate, so if you can assist in the planning stage, you can often save time in the editing portion of the project. Time saving happens when the editor is able to ‘batch tasks’ and completing multiple projects simultaneously. When this happens, you save cash.

Do you need some help in the video production planning stage? We can help.

When Is It Time To Add Video to Your Marketing Plan?

image of video camera with words

Websites used to be just a way for people to find you. And it still is. But it has become even more than that. For example, when done correctly, your website should be interactive, solution driven, and easy to navigate. The website world is changing quickly. Websites used to be pretty static, unchanging, and a place for people to get basic contact information. Not anymore!

Today, people are researching companies, people, and groups via Google, Bing, or other search resources. It’s time to manage your online identity. One way to manage your identity is provide good information about what you do and how you do it. This can be accomplished through video. But, when is it time to add video? Here are some perfect times to add video to your repertoire:

When You Are Rebuilding or Re-Launching Your Website

Video is a critical part of new websites. If you make the video the showpiece of your site, you’ll find people spend more time on your site, improving your stats and, possibly, your SEO metrics. In less than 2 minutes, you can describe what you do, how you do it, and why a potential customer should contact you.

New Product or Service Offering

If you’re providing a new product or service, this is usually a good time to add video to your site. A video will allow you to describe the new product or service quickly and even provide a demonstration. Highly powerful. Always effective. Additionally, if you have a product that must be assembled and are having some difficulty getting your customers to assemble the product correctly, a video might be just the solution.


If you’re in a position of re-branding your business, think about how you might add video to your site to describe why the re-branding has happened, what is the benefit of the new brand, or, if applicable, why the re-brand won’t affect your current level of service. Just make sure the video launch coincides with the entire branding strategy so that you can lengthen the shelf-life of the video.

An Event

If you have a tradeshow, a fundraising event, or you’re unveiling a new product, people love a video presentation. A video always does better than a PowerPoint presentation or speech. No matter the size of your business, a video supporting an event is highly productive.

The best way to stand out and apart from your competition is a video. When you invest in a high-quality video, your business stands out. Let us know if we can help!