Time To Make a Video?

Graphic of time and factors impacting video production process.

How Much Time Does It Take to Make a Video?

You’re asking this question because you want to plan based on the time it takes to make a corporate video. We also know that navigating the world of professional video production can often feel like a journey, especially when it comes to understanding how long the process takes. Don’t worry. We’ll help you along the way.

Whether you’re a business looking to tell your story, a brand aiming to launch a new product, or a corporation seeking to train your staff, knowing the time it takes for your video project is crucial.

This blog post aims to demystify the video production time, providing you with a clear understanding of what to expect and how to efficiently plan your next video project. From pre-production planning to the final edits, several factors play a pivotal role in determining how long it will take to turn your vision into a visual masterpiece.

Factors Affecting Video Production Time

When embarking on a professional video project, it’s important to recognize that several factors can significantly influence the production time. Understanding these elements helps in setting realistic expectations and aids in efficient project planning.

  1. Project Complexity: The scope and complexity of your video is a major determinant of production time. A simple interview-style video might require fewer resources and less time compared to a high-end commercial with multiple locations, actors, and special effects.
  2. Pre-Production Planning: This initial stage lays the groundwork for your video. It involves scriptwriting, storyboarding, location scouting, casting, and scheduling. The depth and detail of pre-production can vary greatly, thus impacting the overall time. But planning is the key to a successful completed video project.
  3. Shooting Schedule: The actual filming of your video can range from a single day to several weeks, depending on the project’s requirements. Factors like the number of locations, availability of talent, and weather conditions can all affect the shooting schedule.
  4. Post-Production Requirements: After shooting wraps up, post-production begins. This phase includes editing, color correction, sound design, and adding special effects or animations. The complexity of these elements can greatly extend the time needed to finalize the video.
  5. Revisions and Feedback: Incorporating feedback and making revisions is a normal part of the video production process. The number of revision rounds and the extent of changes requested can impact the timeline.
  6. External Factors: Sometimes, external factors such as client availability for feedback, holidays, complications in schedules, and other unforeseen circumstances can also affect the production time.

Typical Timelines for Different Types of Videos

The amount of time it takes to make a video can vary greatly depending on the type of video being produced. Here’s are some common types of corporate videos and their typical production timelines:

  1. Explainer Videos: These are short, engaging videos that explain your product or service. Production can take anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the complexity of the animation and the length of the video.
  2. Corporate Training Videos: The production of these videos can range from 4 to 8 weeks. Factors such as the length of the video, the number of shooting locations, and the complexity of the content play a significant role in determining the time. More locations and more complex may even exceed these times.
  3. Promotional Videos: Designed to promote a product, service, or brand, a standard promotional video can take 3 to 7 weeks to produce. This timeframe includes scripting, shooting, and post-production. Planning is key for these types of videos.
  4. Event Videos: Capturing and producing event videos, like conferences or seminars, can be a quick process, usually taking about 2 to 4 weeks. The timeline depends on the length of the event and the complexity of the editing required. No editing means almost immediate turnaround. Editing in presentation slides may require the additional time.
  5. Testimonial Videos: These videos typically require less production time, often completed within 1 to 3 weeks. The simplicity of shooting and minimal post-production needs can contribute to the shorter timeline.

Note that these are general estimates for time and each video project is unique and can vary based on specific requirements and unforeseen factors. Early and clear communication can help in setting a more accurate timelines for your specific project.

planning time to make video

Planning for Efficiency: Tips to Speed Up the Process

Efficient planning is key to speeding up the video production process without compromising quality. Here are some actionable tips to streamline your video project:

  1. Clear Objective / Message: Before starting, have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve and the message you want to convey. This clarity helps in making decisive choices throughout the production process.
  2. Detailed Pre-Production: Spend ample time in the pre-production phase. This involves finalizing the script, storyboarding, and planning the shoot meticulously. The more detailed your preparation, the smoother the subsequent stages will be.
  3. Assemble the Right Team: Having the right talent and crew is crucial. Ensure that your team is aligned with the project’s vision and has the necessary skills to execute it efficiently. Also, it helps to have those who are going to be providing revision feedback to be involved early in the process. New ideas after the fact will only slow things down.
  4. Efficient Scheduling: We’ll work with you to plan your shoot schedule wisely. We’ll group scenes that can be shot in the same location together to save time. Also, consider the availability of key personnel and locations when scheduling.
  5. Prepare for Contingencies: Expect and plan for potential delays. Having contingency plans for bad weather or other unforeseen circumstances can keep your project on track.

Setting Realistic Expectations

Understanding and setting a realistic timeline is crucial for the success of any project. As we’ve shared, various factors influence the production time, from the complexity of the project to the efficiency of the planning and execution stages. Whether it’s a quick-turnaround explainer video or an extensive corporate training series, each project requires a tailored approach to meet its unique demands.

Remember, effective communication with your video production team is key to setting realistic expectations. It’s important to be clear about your vision, goals, and deadlines from the outset. A professional video production company, like Plum Productions, will guide you through the process, helping to manage time efficiently while ensuring the final product meets your standards.

Ultimately, the time invested in creating a professional video is an investment in your brand’s message and reach. By understanding the intricacies of video production time, you can plan better and achieve a final product that resonates with your audience and fulfills your business objectives.


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How to Make a Corporate Video Production Successful

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Images created by CHATGPT

Secret Weapon To a Successful Trade Show Exhibit

image of trade show

You are scheduled to attend a trade show as an exhibitor, and you want to get the most out of the show. What do you do to maximize the results of the time you invest in preparing? You can use video before, during, and after the show to maximize the impact of the show.

Pre-Trade Show Video Strategy

One often overlooked yet potent tool is the pre-trade show video. Understanding the attendees’ profile is key, and if you have their email contacts, you’re at a significant advantage. The impact of sending them a personalized invitation to your booth is greater than you can imagine. This strategy goes beyond mere attendance; it’s about creating a memorable experience before the event even begins.

Why a Pre-Trade Show Video?

  1. Build Relationships:  In the business world, the statement of “know, like, and trust” is powerful. A warm, inviting introduction video can set the stage for building these potential relationships. By giving attendees a glimpse of who you are, you increase the likelihood of them stopping by your booth, initiating valuable interactions.
  2. Humanizing Your Brand: Today digital interactions are the norm, showcasing the human element of your business is vital. People prefer dealing with other people, especially when it comes to resolving issues or making significant decisions (think sales). A personalized invitation video can add a human touch to your trade show presence, making your brand more approachable and relatable.
  3. Stand Out: While some exhibitors might reach out via email, very few leverage the power of video invitations. By adopting this approach, you distinguish yourself from the crowd. Creativity in your video content can further enhance your visibility and appeal, even as video invitations become more common.

The more personalized the message the better, but here’s a good example of what one client did prior to a trade show they were attending.

“Hi, I’m (insert name) from (insert company). You’ve registered for the upcoming trade show and you’re probably starting to identify which booths to visit to make the most of your time at the expo. We’d like to invite you to stop by and enter …  “

Use Video During the Trade Show

Why stop at sending them an invitation? Using video throughout the trade show can significantly enhance your impact at the show. Here are a few ideas:

  • Expo Display Videos: Create engaging content to display at your booth. It will attract and retain attendee’s attention. You’ll find attendees strolling by looking at your video, giving you the chance to engage in a conversation.
  • Don’t Rely On Audio: If you chose to create a Trade Show Video, remember that it’s going to be noisy during the event. You won’t want to feature or rely on interviews or narration to do the job, you’ll need strong visuals and engaging words on screen to capture their attention.
  • Use Pain Words: Putting a transcript on the screen is nice, but using graphics highlighting the pain your typical clients have will capture their attention.

Post-Show Videos

After the show is over it’s time for the follow up. That’s usually where others drop off and don’t perform well. Make it easy on yourself.

  1. Thank You Message: Create a post-show thank you message thanking them for attending and visiting your booth. Use the contacts you’ve gathered and send a “personalized” note. Personalized means general enough to speak to anyone who visited, but specific enough to resonant with most visitors.
  2. Contest Announcement Video: Typically, exhibitors have a giveaway or prize they’re awarding. Engage attendees with a contest and announce winners through a video, adding an interactive element to your presence.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are several more things you can do with video before, during and after the trade show but these will get you started. A key takeaway is that most people won’t do any of these things. They’re content to just talk to people and hope they call them after the show. Hope shouldn’t be a strategy. Use video to engage before, during, and after the trade show to maximize your efforts in gaining new sales.

If you need help creating ideas, creating concepts, or just want to get started creating a video for your trade show event, give us a call. We’re happy to help.


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