Websites used to be just a way for people to find you. And it still is. But it has become even more than that. For example, when done correctly, your website should be interactive, solution driven, and easy to navigate. The website world is changing quickly. Websites used to be pretty static, unchanging, and a place for people to get basic contact information. Not anymore!
Today, people are researching companies, people, and groups via Google, Bing, or other search resources. It’s time to manage your online identity. One way to manage your identity is provide good information about what you do and how you do it. This can be accomplished through video. But, when is it time to add video? Here are some perfect times to add video to your repertoire:
When You Are Rebuilding or Re-Launching Your Website
Video is a critical part of new websites. If you make the video the showpiece of your site, you’ll find people spend more time on your site, improving your stats and, possibly, your SEO metrics. In less than 2 minutes, you can describe what you do, how you do it, and why a potential customer should contact you.
New Product or Service Offering
If you’re providing a new product or service, this is usually a good time to add video to your site. A video will allow you to describe the new product or service quickly and even provide a demonstration. Highly powerful. Always effective. Additionally, if you have a product that must be assembled and are having some difficulty getting your customers to assemble the product correctly, a video might be just the solution.
If you’re in a position of re-branding your business, think about how you might add video to your site to describe why the re-branding has happened, what is the benefit of the new brand, or, if applicable, why the re-brand won’t affect your current level of service. Just make sure the video launch coincides with the entire branding strategy so that you can lengthen the shelf-life of the video.
An Event
If you have a tradeshow, a fundraising event, or you’re unveiling a new product, people love a video presentation. A video always does better than a PowerPoint presentation or speech. No matter the size of your business, a video supporting an event is highly productive.
The best way to stand out and apart from your competition is a video. When you invest in a high-quality video, your business stands out. Let us know if we can help!