How Promotional Video Can Grow A Professional Services Business

Promotional Video for Professional Services

How a Professional Services Company Can Use a Promotional Video to Grow Their Business

Video is king, we know that. Promotional Video is even better for business. What are businesses doing to grow their professional services business? Since more people are consuming information and making purchasing decisions based on the videos they watch, promotional video is a great place start to your marketing plan. We believe this is especially true for professional services companies.

A well-made promotional video can help a professional services company to:

  • Introduce their company and services
  • Showcase their expertise
  • Build trust with potential clients
  • Generate leads and sales

If you’re a professional services company owner, you may be wondering where to start when creating a promotional video. Here are a few tips:

1. Start with a clear goal

What do you want your promotional video to achieve? Do you want to introduce your company to new potential clients? Are you looking to showcase your expertise in a particular area or generate leads for a specific service?  Reviewing profitable lines of service might be a good starting point when trying to decide on what to talk about in the video. Once you know your goal, you can start to develop a script and storyboard that will help you achieve it.

2. Focus on your target audience

Next, who are you trying to reach with your promotional video? Once you know your target audience, tailor your message and visuals to appeal to them. Be specific when talking to them. For example, if you’re targeting business owners, focus on how your services can help them to grow their businesses. Think about how you fit into their daily world and how you can minimize their problems.

3. Highlight your unique value proposition

What makes your professional services company different from the competition… your unique value proposition that you offer your clients. The promotional video should highlight what makes your company special and why potential clients should choose you.

4. Use high-quality visuals

Your promotional video should be visually appealing and engaging. If you run a professional services business, you must portray a level of expertise. You cannot cut corners by using stock video. Make sure the video production company you hire shoots your b-roll in your offices, etc. Using high-quality b-roll video makes your video stand out from others. We highly recommend working with a professional video production company to create your video.

5. Call to action

Most important is telling your viewers what you want them to do after watching your promotional video. Visit your website? Contact you for a consultation? Sign up for your newsletter? Make sure to include a clear call to action at the end of your video. And, make the call to action measurable. We’ve had clients request the call to action remain generic, but how can you measure your success unless you can see if viewers did what you asked them to do.

6. Frequency

If you’re going to run advertisements using your video or videos, you need to think frequency. You can’t run the ad 10 times and think that will provide you with leads. You need to run it a lot to get people to recognize who you are and what you do.

Use a Professional Video Production Company to Create a Promotional Video

Creating a high-quality promotional video can be time-consuming and expensive. If you don’t have the in-house resources to create a video yourself, it’s worth working with a professional video production company.

A professional video production company, like Plum Productions can help you to:

  • Develop a creative and engaging concept for your video
  • Write the script and storyboard
  • Capture and edit your video
  • Use the right music (and sometimes sound effects)
  • Create a video that is optimized for search engines

If you’re serious about using video to grow your professional services business, then investing in a professionally produced video is a wise decision.

How to choose a professional video production company

When choosing a professional video production company, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Experience: Make sure the company has the experience needed to achieve your goals.
  • Portfolio: Review the company’s portfolio to see examples of their work.
  • Testimonials: Ask the company for testimonials from previous clients.
  • Pricing: Get quotes from multiple companies before making a decision.

What Type of Video Content is Right for a Professional Services Company?

When creating a promotional video, we recommend the following types of content:

  • About Us: Your company’s mission and values
  • What We Offer: The services you offer
  • Videos Your target audience and how you can help them
  • Case Studies or Client Testimonial Videos

You can also use your promotional video to highlight any special offers or promotions that you’re running.

A promotional video is a great way for professional services companies to introduce their company and services, showcase their expertise, and build trust with potential clients.

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Elevate Your Business with Corporate Video Production

Staying ahead of the competition is critical to your business’ success. One powerful tool that can give your company the edge it needs is professional corporate video production. It will elevate your place in the market.

The Power of Corporate Video

Video has become the king of content because it’s engaging, memorable, and highly shareable. This makes it the ideal medium for communicating your brand’s message. Whether you’re targeting potential clients, investors, or employees, a beautiful video can convey your story and values like nothing else.

Plum Productions

First, at Plum Productions, we specialize in corporate video production for companies of all sizes. With years of experience under our belts, our team of creative minds and technical wizards is here to transform your ideas into compelling visual narratives.

Second, what truly sets us apart is our ability to seamlessly integrate into your company’s operations. Sometimes, we even take over your existing video production employees, ensuring you get the highest quality service without the stress of managing your employees.

The Plum Productions Corporate Video Difference

  • Fresh Perspective – When you hire Plum Productions, you’re not just getting a the visuals; you’re getting a fresh, outsider’s perspective. We approach your project with a creative eye, offering innovative ideas that may not have been explored within your internal team. This outside perspective can breathe new life into your brand’s story.
  • Exceptional Quality – Quality is non-negotiable. Our team is dedicated to delivering high quality videos that align perfectly with your brand’s image and goals. From scripting to post-production, we maintain the highest standards throughout the entire process.
  • Enhanced Experience – We pride ourselves on clear communication, collaboration, and a commitment to exceeding your expectations. Our goal is to make the process seamless, enjoyable, and stress-free for you.
  • Efficiency – Time is money, especially in the business world. With Plum Productions on your side, you’ll benefit from our streamlined processes and industry expertise. We understand the importance of deadlines, ensuring that your projects are completed efficiently and on time, every time.

Successful Corporate Video - Plum Productions

The Urgency of Excellence

Finally, staying ahead is crucial. Corporate production isn’t just about staying relevant; it’s about setting the pace. Plum Productions is your key to unlocking the full potential of your brand through the power of video.

Don’t wait for your competitors to seize the opportunity. Contact us today and let us transform your corporate production into a force to be reckoned with. Elevate your brand, engage your audience, and make your mark in the corporate world.

The time for excellence is now. Let’s embark on a journey of creativity, efficiency, and exceptional corporate video production. Your brand deserves nothing less!


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