7 Video Marketing Strategies That Work: Empower Your Brand

Video Marketing Strategies Essentials

How to Integrate Video Content into Your Marketing Strategies Effectively

Video content has become a cornerstone of many successful marketing strategies, particularly for large organizations looking to capture and engage audiences. Executives and marketing leaders now recognize the impact that video can have on their brand’s visibility and consumer engagement.

For companies with annual revenues exceeding $25 million, the strategic integration of video content into marketing efforts isn’t just an option; it’s imperative for staying competitive and relevant.

Understand Your Video Objectives to Enhance Related Strategies

Before diving into the production of any video content, it’s critical to define what you want to achieve. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, or is your goal more about conversion and lead generation? Perhaps you aim to educate your audience about your products or services, or you need to enhance your customer support with explainers.

Each objective will dictate a different approach in style, messaging, and distribution channels. For executives deciding on a strategic level, aligning video objectives with business goals ensures that investments in your content yield measurable returns.

Analyze Your Audience

Understanding who you are targeting is key. Large organizations often serve diverse markets, and video content should be tailored to the specific demographics, preferences, and behaviors of different audience segments. Analyze your current customer base and use data-driven insights to create buyer personas.

For each persona, consider what type of content would be most engaging, whether it’s a high-energy promotional video, a detailed product demonstration, or a behind-the-scenes look at your company culture. Remember, a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in personalized marketing.

Develop a Content Calendar Within All Strategies

Third, consistency is key in maintaining the attention of your audience and maximizing the impact of your video marketing efforts. Develop a content calendar that schedules content releases throughout the year. This should align with key business events, product launches, or seasonal peaks in your industry.

For social media experts at large companies, this calendar will help coordinate video content with social media campaigns, ensuring consistent messaging across all platforms.

Choose the Right Production Partner

For those considering hiring a video production company, choosing the right partner is critical. The ideal company should not only have technical expertise but also a profound understanding of corporate marketing dynamics. They should be able to offer innovative ideas that perhaps challenge traditional norms but still resonate with your target markets.

A good partner will help you navigate the complexities of video production, from concept development through to execution, ensuring that the final product is polished, professional, and on-brand.

Leverage Multi-Channel Distribution

Having a multi-channel distribution strategy is essential. This involves more than just uploading to YouTube; it means strategically placing your content across multiple platforms where your audience is most active, including social media, your company website, email newsletters, and even paid advertising channels. Each platform may require different formats or messaging tweaks to optimize engagement and effectiveness.

Measure and Optimize

Next, to maximize the impact of your video marketing strategy, it’s important to establish standardized metrics for measurement and engage in continual optimization.

Start by defining clear key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your original objectives—whether those are increasing brand awareness, improving engagement, or driving conversions. Common KPIs include views, engagement rates (likes, comments, shares), watch time, and click-through rates.

Utilize advanced analytics tools to track these metrics across all platforms where your content is distributed. This includes not only social media and YouTube but also embedded on your corporate website and within email marketing campaigns. By integrating analytics with your broader marketing data, you gain a comprehensive view of how video influences your marketing funnel.

Analyzing performance data allows you to identify which ones resonate most with your audience and why. Look at the correlation between video content and user behavior—do certain topics, formats, or lengths drive more engagement or conversions? Use A/B testing to experiment with different aspects of your content, such as headlines, calls to action, and even thumbnails, to see what maximizes viewer interaction.

Furthermore, it is also crucial to assess the qualitative feedback from your audience. Monitor direct feedback to gauge sentiment and gather insights into viewer preferences and expectations. This qualitative data can be invaluable in refining your content strategy to better meet the needs and interests of your audience.

Lastly, ensure that your optimization efforts are repeatable. Video marketing is not a set-and-forget strategy but a dynamic component of your broader marketing ecosystem. Regular reviews of your content’s performance should inform ongoing strategic adjustments, helping you adapt to changing consumer trends and technological advancements.

A proactive approach to measurement and optimization will help solidify video as a cornerstone of your marketing strategy, driving sustained engagement and business growth.

Educate Your Team About Your Strategies

For organizations looking to replace an internal team or contemplating between hiring an in-house expert versus an external agency, it’s important to educate your existing marketing team about the benefits and processes of video marketing. Training sessions, workshops, or even collaborating with experienced video marketers can elevate your team’s capabilities and ensure everyone understands how this content fits into the broader marketing strategy.

Final Thought

For businesses, particularly those with significant revenues, integrating video content strategically into marketing efforts is not just about keeping up with trends. It’s about taking a proactive approach to engage customers, enhance brand perception, and drive business growth.

By understanding your objectives, knowing your audience, planning content strategically, choosing the right production partner, leveraging multi-channel distribution, continuously measuring impact, and educating your team, you can ensure that your content serves as a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.


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Elevate Your Local Business with Video

Elevate your local business with video thumbnail for plum productions blog

Elevate Your Local Business with Engaging Video Content

If you’re trying to harness the power of video to boost your local business reach and engagement, you need to create and use authentic, effective content to engage potential customers.

Introduction to Video Marketing Today businesses are embracing digital marketing to it’s fullest. One tool for local businesses aiming to connect more deeply with their audience is video. That makes it an indispensable strategy for enhancing visibility and customer engagement.

Why Video? Because this type of content’s key advantage lies in its high engagement potential, which can amplify your marketing message’s reach significantly. It is not only easy to consume but also inherently engaging, attracting attention and encouraging sharing across digital platforms, thus extending your brand’s reach.

The Psychological Impact of Video Content Visual storytelling taps into the viewer’s emotions, making it an effective way to communicate values, appeal to aesthetic sensibilities, and create memorable content. It can elicit feelings of excitement, trust, and curiosity, driving deeper engagement and loyalty from viewers. This medium helps people relate…more than any other medium.

Creating Impactful Video Content Developing this type of content doesn’t always require high-end equipment or a large budget. Authenticity resonates more with today’s audiences than overly polished, produced content. Sometimes a raw message can capture engaging moments that highlight your expertise or showcase your products authentically. Sometimes a more refined and polished message is important to show your level of professionalism.

Here are several types content that can benefit any local business:

  • Service or Product Overviews: To demonstrate the benefits and unique features of your offerings.
    • These types of content are important to show what you do or what the product can do. These are typically highly effective if they’re done correctly.
  • Promotional Videos: Create exciting and creative promotional videos to generate buzz around your services, products, or special events.
    • These are slightly less effective because most people don’t like to be sold to, rather they want to make their decisions on their own. Use this type of content sparingly.
  • Customer Testimonials: Authentic stories and testimonials from customers can lend credibility and foster trust among potential new customers.
    • These are highly effective! Who better to tell your potential customer how good you are than your existing customers? And, they can say things you can’t say, like, “They are awesome!”
  • How-To Videos: Share your knowledge through tutorials, offering valuable tips while highlighting your industry expertise.
    • This type of content is highly effective to show you’re an expert in the field. They start to watch and then say, “They know what they’re talking about, why do I need to do this? Let me call them!”
  • Behind the Scenes: Offer a glimpse into the daily operations of your business, which can personalize your brand and strengthen customer connections.
    • It’s always fun to learn about what goes on behind the curtain. Give them a glimpse and they’ll begin to feel more comfortable with you.

Expanding Reach with Video This type of content can significantly expand your marketing reach. By leveraging platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, you can engage with a broader audience. You can use live streams, webinars, and even interactive sessions to interact directly with your audience, answering questions in real time and fostering a community around your brand.

Our suggestion is to focus on one or two platforms and do it very well. The more focused you are, the better the results will become. You can still post to the other platforms, but use one as your content home that you are monitoring and tracking. More on that later.

Optimizing Video for Digital Success Creating effective marketing involves more than just creating content; it requires planning and strategy. It is also important to focus on optimization for search engines and social platforms. Incorporate relevant keywords in the title, description, and tags to improve visibility. Use clear, compelling calls-to-action to guide viewers toward engaging further with your business.

Keywording helps by telling the algorithm what the content is all about, but it is not the only important aspect of optimization. Other things include include using keywords in the video, spoken words. Yes, YouTube and other platforms now understand the words being spoken. Use this to your advantage.

Measuring Success Track the performance of your content through analytics tools to understand viewer behavior and preferences. Metrics like view count, watch time, and engagement rates are essential for assessing effectiveness and refining your strategy.

Understanding how to measure success is critical to knowing what is working and what is not. Using this data, we can help you create even more content that resonates with the viewer or eliminate content that doesn’t work. Keep in mind, the more focused you are in your keywording and measuring, the better the results.

Implementation Tips Start by understanding your target audience’s preferences and the types of content they are likely to consume. Focus on creating relatable, informative, and visually appealing videos. Consistency is key. This means two things: (a) Maintain a regular posting schedule to keep your audience engaged and interested, and (b) Maintain a consistent brand so you don’t confuse your potential buyers.

Action Steps Begin by deciding whether video is for you and what type of video makes sense for your business. Identify the right type of video to convey the message you’re attempting to portray. That doesn’t mean, “I want to sell more product,” it means, are you trying to show professionalism? Trust? Or any other emotion? Engage with your audience by creating relatable and informative videos. With consistent effort and strategic optimization, watch your local business grow in reach and reputation, potentially even achieving viral success.

Need help or have questions? We’re here to help. Always here to answer your questions, even if we don’t work together. We just think you need video!


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Corporate Video Trends of 2024 That Every Business Must Know

Corporate Video Trends of 2024 - Plum Productions

Corporate Video Trends of 2024

While it’s always difficult to know exactly where the year will take us (nod back to 2020, whereby everyone shut down in March), it is possible to look forward and make an educated guess as to where the corporate video trends will go in 2024. Let’s get into where we think the trends are heading.

Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Corporate Video Trends

Everyone says AI is taking over the world. Yes, it is. But can it fully take over video production right now? No, we don’t believe it can. Where AI can assist corporate video is how companies will create their ideas. It may even help create ideas that we humans haven’t thought of yet.

AI-Driven Video Creation: Artificial intelligence is a corporate video trend we all knew would be mentioned in 2024. AI is streamlining video production by automating tasks such as editing, color correction, and scriptwriting but it still takes a human to determine if what was corrected is, in fact, actually correct. More likely, AI will help analyze viewer data to enable the creation of content that better matches audience preferences, leading to more personalized and engaging videos. We see this already on YouTube’s “Recommended” Feature in the YouTube Studio.

Virtual Production: This technology brings the capabilities of high-end film production to corporate video, allowing for the creation of realistic environments without physical sets. Virtual production reduces logistical costs and enhances creative possibilities, enabling products or brands to be showcased in any setting imaginable, all while maintaining high production values.

By leveraging AI and virtual production, businesses can produce standout content more efficiently and engage their audiences in more meaningful ways. These technologies are not just improving how videos are made; they’re redefining the possibilities for corporate communication, promising more personalized, immersive, and interactive content. In 2024, the use of AI-driven video creation and virtual production is expected to grow, setting new benchmarks for corporate video excellence.

Authenticity and Storytelling in Corporate Videos

One of the more recent corporate video trends is the notion that audiences prefer authenticity and connection. Corporate videos that leverage genuine narratives and storytelling not only stand out but also create a lasting impact on their viewers. This trend towards authenticity and storytelling is shaping how companies approach video content in 2024.

Authenticity Breeds Trust: Authenticity serves as a method of garnering trust. Companies are moving away from pushy sales-centric videos in favor of content that showcases real people, real stories, and genuine experiences. This approach helps humanize brands, making them more relatable and trustworthy to their audience.

Storytelling Connects on a Deeper Level: Storytelling is a powerful tool. It goes beyond mere product features or benefits, weaving a narrative that engages viewers emotionally. Whether it’s through customer success stories, behind-the-scenes looks at the company culture, or stories that highlight the impact of a product or service, storytelling videos draw viewers in and leave a more profound, memorable impression. The key is a strong balance between too much story and making your point quickly enough not to lose the viewer.

Incorporating User-Generated Content: One way companies are enhancing authenticity in their videos is by incorporating user-generated content. This type of content, created by customers or employees, adds a layer of authenticity that can’t be replicated with traditional production methods. It also fosters a sense of community and engagement around the brand.

Challenges and Opportunities: While the push towards authenticity and storytelling offers a path to deeper audience connection, it also presents challenges. Crafting compelling narratives requires a keen understanding of the brand’s identity and audience’s values. However, when executed well, storytelling can transcend traditional marketing, turning corporate videos into impactful narratives that resonate with viewers on a personal level.

As we look at corporate video trends of 2024, the importance of authenticity and storytelling in corporate videos is only expected to grow. Businesses that can master this art will not only captivate their audiences but also build stronger, more meaningful connections with them.

Innovative Content Formats for Corporate Communication

Another of the more interesting corporate video trends is the number of content formats available to businesses has grown dramatically in recent years. In 2024, companies are not just producing traditional videos; they are exploring new, innovative formats to engage their audience. These include interactive videos, live broadcasts, and even immersive 360-degree experiences.

Interactive Videos: Interactive videos have risen in popularity, offering viewers a participatory experience. These videos allow audiences to make choices that affect the video’s storyline or outcome, turning passive viewers into active participants. For corporate communication, this means creating training modules, product demos, or even interactive annual reports where stakeholders can choose what information they want to explore.

Live Broadcasts: Live broadcasts have become a staple in the corporate communication toolkit. They offer real-time engagement with audiences, be it through Q&A sessions, product launches, or behind-the-scenes glimpses. The authenticity and immediacy of live video foster a sense of community and transparency between businesses and their audience.

Immersive 360-Degree Experiences: While not universally adopted, 360-degree videos offer an immersive viewing experience, placing the audience in the center of the action. For businesses, this could mean virtual tours of facilities, immersive product experiences, or even 360-degree coverage of events. These videos provide a unique perspective, offering viewers a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

The adoption of these innovative content formats signifies a shift in corporate video communication. By embracing these formats, businesses can engage their audiences in more meaningful, interactive, and immersive ways. The key to success lies in understanding which formats best align with the company’s communication goals and audience preferences.

As we navigate through the corporate video trends of 2024, the exploration of new content formats in corporate video is expected to continue, pushing the boundaries of how businesses communicate with their stakeholders.

Strategic Video Placement Across Digital Platforms

In 2024, creating compelling corporate videos is only part of the equation; strategically placing these videos across various digital platforms is critical for maximizing reach and engagement. Businesses are diversifying their video distribution strategies to include not just traditional channels like company websites and YouTube but also social media, email campaigns, and streaming services.

Social Media Platforms: Each social media platform offers unique advantages for video content. YouTube is one of the largest video platforms in the online world. Instagram, for example, is ideal for short, engaging clips, while LinkedIn is perfect for B2B videos that showcase industry expertise or company culture. Tailoring video content to the strengths of each platform can dramatically increase its effectiveness.

Corporate Websites and Blogs: Videos embedded on company websites or blogs can significantly enhance user experience and SEO. Explainer videos, testimonials, and product demos on relevant pages or posts can help convert visitors into customers by providing valuable information in an engaging format.

Here’s an example (above).

Email Campaigns: Including videos in email campaigns can boost open rates and engagement. A compelling video thumbnail in an email invites recipients to click through to watch the full video, whether it’s a product announcement, a behind-the-scenes look, or a message from the CEO.

Advertisements on Streaming Services: With the rise of streaming platforms, placing advertisements or sponsored content in this space can reach audiences who are increasingly shifting away from traditional TV. Targeted ads on platforms like Hulu or Netflix can capture the attention of viewers in a less saturated advertising environment.

Strategic placement ensures that videos reach their intended audience in the most effective manner. By understanding the unique benefits of each platform and aligning them with the video’s goals and target audience, businesses can leverage their video content to achieve maximum impact.

As we continue through 2024, the strategic placement of corporate videos will become even more sophisticated, with companies leveraging data analytics and AI to fine-tune their distribution strategies for optimal engagement and ROI.

Measuring Success: Analytics and ROI of Corporate Videos

In 2024, one of the most important corporate video trends is the emphasis on quantifying the impact a placed video. Businesses are increasingly leveraging sophisticated analytics tools to measure the success and return on investment (ROI) of their video content. This shift towards data-driven strategies enables companies to make informed decisions about their video marketing efforts, optimizing for better engagement, conversion rates, and overall performance.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identifying the right KPIs is crucial for measuring video success. These may include view count, engagement rate (likes, shares, comments), watch time, conversion rate, and click-through rate (CTR). By analyzing these metrics, businesses can gauge how well their content resonates with their audience and contributes to their marketing goals.

Analytics Tools: Advanced analytics platforms provide deep insights into video performance across various channels. Tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and video hosting analytics (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) offer a comprehensive view of how videos are performing in terms of viewer engagement and behavior. This data is invaluable for refining content strategy and improving video effectiveness.

ROI Measurement: Calculating the ROI of corporate videos involves assessing both direct and indirect benefits. Direct benefits might include increased sales or leads directly attributed to video campaigns. Indirect benefits could encompass enhanced brand awareness, customer loyalty, and long-term customer value. A combination of quantitative data and qualitative insights can help paint a complete picture of video ROI.

Continuous Optimization: The journey doesn’t end with measuring initial performance. Successful businesses use these analytics to continuously optimize their video content and distribution strategies. A/B testing different video formats, calls-to-action (CTAs), and distribution channels can help identify what works best for reaching and engaging the target audience.

In 2024, the ability to measure and understand the impact of corporate video is a competitive advantage. Companies that master the art of video analytics are well-positioned to tailor their content strategies effectively, ensuring that every video they produce delivers maximum value. Ask us how.


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Keywords: Corporate Video Trends 2024, Business Communication, AI Video Creation, Video Storytelling, Digital Video Strategy

Free Guide to Improve SEO With Video On Any Business Website

Video helps website SEO

Yes, Video On Your Website Improves SEO

Can video improve your SEO ranking in search? We find that it helps in an indirect way. Having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to reach their target audience and stay competitive.  Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in ensuring that your website ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs). While there are many strategies to boost your website’s SEO, one often overlooked method is incorporating video content into your business website.

The Power of Website Video

Video has become an incredibly popular form of content consumption and an effective means to promote or convey a message. According to recent studies, 85% of internet users in the United States watch online videos regularly. Additionally, over half of consumers want to see more video content from the brands they support. We’ve even seen a rise in introduction videos.

From product demonstrations and customer testimonials to behind-the-scenes footage and educational tutorials, video allows businesses to communicate their message effectively and engage with their audience in such a way that builds trust and creates a connection between the business and the viewer. By adding videos to your website, you provide visitors with diverse media options that cater to different learning styles while keeping them on your site longer…leading to improved SEO.

The Impact on Website SEO

It’s no secret that search engines love rich media content like images and videos. When it comes to ranking websites, search algorithms take various factors into account – including user engagement metrics such as time spent on site and bounce rates. Video easily adds time spent on your site while they view your content.

A well-optimized video embedded within your webpages can significantly enhance these metrics by increasing dwell time – the amount of time users spend actively engaging with a webpage before returning back or navigating elsewhere. As visitors stay longer on your site watching informative or entertaining videos related to their interests or needs, it signals search engines that you have valuable content worth promoting.

Title Tags: Incorporating Keywords

Title tags play an essential role in helping both users and search engines understand what a webpage is about. Including relevant keywords in your video’s title tag can improve your website’s visibility on SERPs for those specific terms.

For example, if you have a video tutorial on “how to bake a cake,” incorporating the keyword “cake baking tutorial” into the title tag will increase the chances of your video appearing in search results when someone searches for that particular topic. This increases organic traffic to your site and boosts SEO rankings.

Video Transcriptions On Your Website: Boosting Keyword Density

In order for search engines to understand what a video is about, it’s crucial to include transcriptions or captions. Not only do they provide accessibility benefits for users with hearing impairments, but they also contribute to SEO by enhancing keyword density within the page itself. While YouTube usually generates a transcript automatically, the transcript typically does not embed into your site; therefore, you should embed one yourself.

Crafting accurate transcriptions that capture key phrases and industry-specific terms directly related to your content helps search engines recognize the relevance of your videos and webpages more effectively.

Social Sharing: Increasing Backlinks & SEO

One major factor that affects SEO is backlinking – when other websites link back to yours. By having engaging videos on your business website, you increase their shareability across social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. When viewers find value in these videos and share them with their network, it generates more exposure for your brand while creating valuable backlinks – ultimately contributing positively towards improving SEO rankings.

Here’s an interesting video that helped one nonprofit understand what they do with their 5k Race in raising funds to help those in need. This video lived on a website that kept people engaged because it was fun to watch, entertaining, informative, and visually appealing.

(Did that entertain you? Did you watch some of the video? You just spent a little more time on our blog post, didn’t you?)

The Mobile Advantage

In recent years, mobile usage has skyrocketed globally. Over 50% of online searches now come from mobile devices rather than desktop computers. Websites with embedded videos are proven to be more mobile-friendly compared to pages filled solely with text-based content or heavy images since they tend not only load faster but also offer an interactive experience without overwhelming small screens or draining data plans excessively. This mobile advantage further enhances user experience, which search engines prioritize when determining SERP rankings. A seamless mobile experience that incorporates engaging video content will help your website rank higher in searches conducted on smartphones or tablets.

With mobile use increasing so dramatically over the past decade and the ability to stream video increasing at the same time, any business can catch the potential customer when they want information. The new SEO is really about being the solution to their problem (search) when they need it.


We believe that integrating videos into your business website is a powerful SEO strategy that can significantly improve both user engagement and organic search rankings. When you optimize your video’s title tags, include transcriptions for improved keyword density, and leverage the shareability of videos across social media platforms to increase backlinks, you create an online environment that can captivate visitors while boosting the visibility of your brand on search engine results pages.

Incorporating video content is not just optional – it’s an essential component of any successful digital marketing campaign. Start harnessing the power of video today to enhance your SEO efforts and connect with your target audience. If you don’t, your competitors will.


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Elevate Your Brand With Video

Elevate Your Business with Corporate Video Production

Staying ahead of the competition is critical to your business’ success. One powerful tool that can give your company the edge it needs is professional corporate video production. It will elevate your place in the market.

The Power of Corporate Video

Video has become the king of content because it’s engaging, memorable, and highly shareable. This makes it the ideal medium for communicating your brand’s message. Whether you’re targeting potential clients, investors, or employees, a beautiful video can convey your story and values like nothing else.

Plum Productions

First, at Plum Productions, we specialize in corporate video production for companies of all sizes. With years of experience under our belts, our team of creative minds and technical wizards is here to transform your ideas into compelling visual narratives.

Second, what truly sets us apart is our ability to seamlessly integrate into your company’s operations. Sometimes, we even take over your existing video production employees, ensuring you get the highest quality service without the stress of managing your employees.

The Plum Productions Corporate Video Difference

  • Fresh Perspective – When you hire Plum Productions, you’re not just getting a the visuals; you’re getting a fresh, outsider’s perspective. We approach your project with a creative eye, offering innovative ideas that may not have been explored within your internal team. This outside perspective can breathe new life into your brand’s story.
  • Exceptional Quality – Quality is non-negotiable. Our team is dedicated to delivering high quality videos that align perfectly with your brand’s image and goals. From scripting to post-production, we maintain the highest standards throughout the entire process.
  • Enhanced Experience – We pride ourselves on clear communication, collaboration, and a commitment to exceeding your expectations. Our goal is to make the process seamless, enjoyable, and stress-free for you.
  • Efficiency – Time is money, especially in the business world. With Plum Productions on your side, you’ll benefit from our streamlined processes and industry expertise. We understand the importance of deadlines, ensuring that your projects are completed efficiently and on time, every time.

Successful Corporate Video - Plum Productions

The Urgency of Excellence

Finally, staying ahead is crucial. Corporate production isn’t just about staying relevant; it’s about setting the pace. Plum Productions is your key to unlocking the full potential of your brand through the power of video.

Don’t wait for your competitors to seize the opportunity. Contact us today and let us transform your corporate production into a force to be reckoned with. Elevate your brand, engage your audience, and make your mark in the corporate world.

The time for excellence is now. Let’s embark on a journey of creativity, efficiency, and exceptional corporate video production. Your brand deserves nothing less!


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8 Important Reasons Businesses Should Have a YouTube Channel

YouTube Channel Management - Plum Productions - Corporate Video Production

Here at Plum Productions we think every business should have a YouTube channel because it provides a lot of benefit. Here are some of the benefits our clients are telling us they find…

Reasons Why Any Business Should Have a YouTube Channel

  • Increased Reach: YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world, behind Google, and don’t forget that the most searched word in Google is “YouTube”, meaning you are most likely to end up on YouTube!  YouTube is a widely-used platform across the globe and available in over 90 countries and 80 languages and it’s estimated to have over 2 billion monthly active users, meaning YouTube can help businesses reach a wider audience and help increase brand awareness, even locally. 
  • Increased credibility: A strong presence on YouTube can help businesses establish credibility and authority in their industry. Think of it this way: You’re a professional in your field. You post videos on your YouTube channel that are topical and common questions your business receives about the area you are an expert, you’ll be positioned, in the minds of the viewers, as an expert. Furthermore, if you post false information on the channel, other individuals can report it, comment on it, etc. and make you less of an expert. By posting the right and correct information (something you as an expert would do), you are naturally positioned as an expert. 
  • Better SEO: Since Google owns YouTube and you are posting your business videos on YouTube, it can help you boost your visibility on Google search as well. When you make the titles and description of your videos match what your possible customers are looking for, you will begin to be positioned in a better ranking with Google. No one really knows the algorithms that do this and no one can predict this, but one thing is clear…Google prioritizes quality information. When potential customers see this, they are more likely to buy your services or recommend your business to others because they value what you are posting and feel comfort in connecting with you and your business. 
  • Engagement: YouTube allows businesses to create channels so they can connect with their audience. This allows them to leave comments and engage in conversation, which makes your business more personal and relatable. 
  • Cost-effective: Having a YouTube channel is a cost-effective way to reach a large audience. Creating and posting videos on YouTube is free. Whether you wish to create quality looking content or raw content is up to you. We recommend thinking about how your Clients (potential clients) would see you if you post a more finished video or a raw video. Some clients would prefer the raw, and that’s ok! 
  • Multi-channel compatibility: Videos can be shared across multiple platforms, and embedded on websites, maximizing their reach and engagement potential.
  • Longevity: It doesn’t matter how old your videos are on YouTube. By continually adding more videos to your channel, you will provide the most current information available. If you have old data/information on a video, you would simply remove it from the public view to prevent inaccurate information, but this is usually not the case when you post evergreen content. 
  • Monetization: There are different ways you can make money on YouTube.
    • Google AdSense: This is the most common way to monetize a YouTube channel. By enabling ads on your videos, you can earn money from the views and clicks they generate. To use AdSense, you must first link your YouTube account to an AdSense account, and then enable monetization on your videos. There are also thresholds your channel must meet to monetize in this way. Learn more about AdSense here.
    • YouTube Sponsorships: You can also earn money by securing sponsorships from companies or brands. This can involve promoting a product or service in your videos, creating sponsored content, or including brand mentions in your video titles and descriptions. If you’re posting as a business, you might even consider doing sponsorships with partnering companies or companies you work with. They may be interested in paying to be in your video. 
    • Affiliate marketing: You can also earn money by including affiliate links in your video descriptions. These links allow viewers to purchase a product or service through a unique link, and you will earn a commission on any sales made through that link. While this is usually reserved for content creators, businesses can do this as well. 
    • YouTube Premium: YouTube offers a paid subscription service called YouTube Premium. As a YouTube partner, you can earn a share of the revenue from YouTube Premium members who watch your videos.
    • Selling products: You can also use your YouTube channel as a platform to sell your own products or merchandise related to your content. By embedding YouTube videos into you website, you’ll get very specific and related content on your web page related to the product/service you’re selling. This is a highly effective tool for product sales conversion. 

Overall, having a YouTube channel can provide a number of benefits for businesses, including increased reach, improved customer understanding, increased credibility, greater engagement, better SEO, monetization, increased conversions, and a cost-effective way to reach a large audience. Imagine being a construction company showing off this video to sell their services.

At Plum Productions, we specialize at optimizing and creating content for your YouTube Channel. With greater than 160,000 subscribers, 450 videos, and over 5,500,000 views on the channels we manage, we’d be happy to help you with your YouTube channel. If we can help you, we’ll let you know. If we can’t, we’ll tell you that too.  

7 Benefits of Video In Business Marketing

business marketing video production

Video has become an increasingly important tool for businesses looking to market themselves and reach new customers. In fact, according to a recent survey, over 50% of marketers claim that video is the type of content with the highest ROI. Below are just a few of the many benefits that video can bring to your business marketing efforts.

Business Marketing, Hotel Marketing

Using Video in Business Marketing Can Provide

  1. Increased Engagement: Video is a highly engaging medium, and it’s much more likely to capture and hold a viewer’s attention than text or static images. By using video, you can more effectively grab the attention of your target audience and keep them engaged with your brand.
  2. Higher Conversion Rates: Video is a powerful tool for converting visitors into customers. In fact, including video on a landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%. This is because video allows you to more effectively explain your product or service, demonstrate its value, and build trust with your audience.
  3. Improved SEO: Google and other search engines love video, and using video on your website and social media channels can help boost your search rankings. This is because video provides another way for search engines to understand the content of your website, and it can also drive traffic to your site from video sharing platforms like YouTube.
  4. Greater Social Sharing: Video is more likely to be shared on social media than other types of content, which means it can help you reach a wider audience and build your brand’s online presence. In fact, according to one study, video is shared 1200% more times than both links and text combined.
  5. Enhanced Customer Understanding: Video is an excellent way to explain complex ideas or products in a way that is easy for your audience to understand. By using video, you can more effectively communicate the value of your product or service and help your customers better understand how it can solve their problems.
  6. Improved Customer Retention: Video is a great way to provide ongoing value to your customers, whether it’s through educational content, product demonstrations, or customer testimonials. By using video to keep your customers engaged, you can improve customer retention and build long-term relationships.
  7. Increased Brand Awareness: Video is a highly effective way to build brand awareness and establish your business as a thought leader in your industry. By creating high-quality, informative videos, you can showcase your expertise and establish yourself as a trusted source of information.

While this list is not every way video helps your business, we know that video will convey a message in such a way that it is cleaner and easier to understand, than many of the other forms of marketing communication.

Overall, video is a powerful tool for businesses looking to market themselves and reach new customers. Whether you’re using video for social media, your website, or email marketing, it’s a medium that can help you effectively engage your audience, boost conversions, improve SEO, and build brand awareness. So if you’re not already using video as part of your marketing strategy, it’s definitely worth considering.

Have questions or want to talk through your idea? We’re here to help! Give us a call today.



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How Is Video Changing In 2021?

Whether you’re a large, multi-national company or a small business, video is increasingly more important in marketing the business. How to use video is becoming an increasingly important area to explore and in 2020, we saw a huge increase in the use of video and that appears to be continuing in 2021.

Trends show that video is increasingly more important to share a corporate message than ever before. The question remains how has 2020 changed the way video is used? How will video be used in the coming years? In this post, we share some of the interesting trends we’re seeing in the corporate video production and corporate livestream video world and address the question:

How to use video and video marketing for your business in 2021?

The primary way video has been used in the years leading up to 2020 was to create a branded message with the purpose of converting a viewer into a fan and eventually into a customer. The road to conversion has shifted slightly. How it is being used and the methods that video has been incorporated shifted greatly during 2020. Many organizations shifted to creating videos that showed the viewer a behind the scenes, more intimate look at their operation. The goal was to show who was behind the scenes and how their people make up the business. The feel was directed to a “Our people are our business” mentality.

How To Use Video and What is Video Marketing and How Does It Work?

Video marketing is simply the process of creating a corporate video for the purpose of highlighting what a business does, how they help their customers, or telling their story in a compelling way. The ultimate goal of any video marketing strategy is to convert viewers to customers or clients. This conversion should be measured and converted to a Return On Investment (ROI).

If the video is compelling, more viewers convert; if a video is less compelling, less will convert. This means it is extremely important to enter the video production process with a purpose and goal. The purpose might be to share the story or show the human side of a corporation (think Publix Commercials) and the ROI might be 1 customer created for every 1,000 views (where we might assume part of the ROI is to retain or reinforce a message to existing customers).

Video Marketing usually works in the form of a commercial placed in front of the viewer (via television, online media consumption, or mobile media consumption). For example, a short video ad might be placed in front of another video that the viewer wishes to watch but must first watch the advertisement to view the video they want to see. This can be effective for forced marketing.

Another form of Video Marketing is the creation of a consistent stream of informational videos sent out to YouTube. For example, our Creative Director, Jenn Jager, created a YouTube channel several years ago to demonstrate her knowledge about video production. Since its creation, several clients have found Plum Productions because of her videos about various video production related topics. This is a form of Video Marketing that is more passive and less forced.

People search a question about a topic, find her video on Google or YouTube, watch her video, and then later reach out because they have questions and want to know if she can help. This is a much better method of gaining clients over time than forced advertisements; although, there is certainly a place for paid advertisements. For example, in her videos, she may have a paid advertiser run their ad prior to her video or she may promote a product for a company based on a paid agreement (usually noted in the video).

How Effective is Video Marketing For Business?

Let’s start with the assumption that one is placing the video in the right place at the right time to be in front of the right audience. That is the critical first step and why it is particularly important to have a purpose and goal prior to creating any video.

Now think about when you shop online for a product or service. Do you read any reviews? Most likely you do. Do you do any other research like Google the product name? You probably do. Do you watch videos related to the product or service? Most likely you do. That seems to align with the research.

According to Smart Insights, more and more marketers (those who place ads) are finding that video are a critical component of their marketing strategy. They find that the ROI on video has been steadily increasing over the years and it continues to do so this year.

One shift that Smart Insights and the marketers they’ve surveyed found that there has been a shift in where videos are placed and get a return on their investment. They are not only seeing a greater watch time (increasing by approximately 19%), but also seeing a shift from television advertising to online video marketing. The spend has grown faster in the online video segment than the television segment, which is significant and worthwhile to know.

What Types of Video Should Be Used When Marketing?

At Plum Productions, we’ve seen a shift in the past year to more online events and a growth in creating video for websites to improve search engine optimization. Here are the types of videos being used to market business right now:

  • About Us Videos
  • Testimonial Videos
  • Video Reviews
  • Corporate Messaging Videos (internal and external)
  • Demonstration/Product Videos
  • Real Estate / Construction Videos
  • Sales Tool Videos
  • Live / Livestream Videos
  • Virtual Event Videos

Here is a little more information about each one:

About Us Video

In this type of video, the company is simply trying to share with the viewer who they are, what they do and why a viewer should do business with them. Think about the traditional, “We’re ABC Company and we do X” style. This is something Plum Productions does a lot of and can help you create a script or branded message to better capture potential customers.


Testimonial Videos

If your company has a client base that can be asked to give a positive statement on camera, this is a great tool to help any company convert a viewer to a sale. Most people want to know they’re not the only ones who are buying from you…they want to know that others have tried you and you are legit. This should be used on any sales page that asks for the sale (asks for a payment). It will help conversion over time and help close the deal.

Video Reviews

This type of video is typically used with products. Most times this is a video that is created by someone who purchased a product and wishes to unbox and review the product for their viewers. This can be a source of income for product companies if they request a YouTube Influencer to review their product on their channel. Be prepared to offer an affiliate link or payment for their efforts and time. If their channel is the right channel for your audience, it should be worth the investment.

Corporate Messaging Videos (Internal & External)

Recently we did a video for a national company to review how they did in the first quarter of 2021. This video was shared internally with their team around the county to give everyone a sense of how they did and give the team a goal/direction to strive toward. This is a great way to communicate outward to the team to motivate them to continue to improve. This type of video can also be used to communicate outwardly to vendors and even customers. This video might include information to help viewers understand how well the company is doing and how they are grateful for their customers. By doing this, it reinforces brand loyalty with both vendors and/or customers.

How To Use Video: Demonstration / Product Videos

This type of video is for companies that sell products and want to show possible uses or the versatility of the product. For example, in this video from Epoca.


Or this video from the Tator Gator, both show how the product can or is used. This type of video helps the viewer understand what the product does but also puts the viewer into the situation to better clarify to the viewer if they should buy or not. If it’s not for them, they should be able to see that in the video to prevent product returns.


How To Use Video: Real Estate / Construction Videos

This area has grown dramatically in the past few years. Realtors are starting to create short videos to show a home they have listed to improve the possibility of a sale. The other area video is being used is in the construction market. Here, Origin Construction shows what type of work they do, how they work, and who is their client.

How To Use Vide: Sales Tool Videos

Videos that are used as sales tools are videos that walk the viewer through steps to get to a purchase. It might be a short social media that leads the viewer to a slightly longer video on a landing page followed by an even longer video that makes the purchase easier for the potential customer. These videos can also be frequently asked questions (FAQs) before calling in to speak to someone in the business before making a purchase. The other way a sales tool video is used is during a sales meeting, the salesperson uses a video to explain or show their services. It becomes a tool in the process of making a sale. If the focus is to lead the viewer down the path to a purchase, it most likely is a sales tool video.

How To Use Video: Live / Livestream Videos

One of the more complicated but highly effective videos is the livestream video. This has been on trend in the last half of 2020 and into 2021. This type of video allows large groups of people to gather without the risk of spreading disease…but more importantly, it widens the geographic area an organization can communicate. We had one nonprofit talk about how they did their livestream and learned that people were watching in all four time zones of the U.S., and they were able to increase their donations because of it. Larger audience for them meant more dollars coming in.

How To Use Video: Virtual Event Videos

Like Livestreams, this type of video is one where we produce a full event (emcee, participants, etc.) provide the video to the client and they stream it as if it is a live event. This can be helpful if you don’t want to leave anything to chance and just want the event to happen. During the “event” everything runs smoothly, and all viewers feel like they’re watching a live event…even though it is pre-recorded and highly produced. Imagine a television show captured as an event.

Why Is Video Marketing Important?

Video and how you use it to market the business does several things. First, it creates an awareness for viewers. They begin to recognize the brand, the style, etc. and begin to feel more comfortable with the company. If a viewer feels more comfortable, they’re more likely to buy because they form a sense of trust. If a viewer can go online and learn how your product works or troubleshoot by watching a video, they’ll appreciate that more than waiting on the phone for answers.

Video and Connectedness

When done correctly, viewers will feel emotionally connected to the organization if they see people. Sometimes it’s tempting to simply create an animation/cartoon video to explain what your business does, but we find this to be less effective. When you research a company to trust with your money, do you want to see who they are or have characters explain your business? Most people tend to prefer people because they want to know who they’re dealing with. Obviously, the lower the financial risk, the less important that is, but it becomes increasingly important when the financial investment rises.

With all that said, it’s important to know who your audience is, what they are looking for and where they do their research. By knowing this, you will have a much higher probability of capturing them where they are while they are going about their daily business.

If you need any help creating a video that captures attention and converts to sales, please feel free to reach out to us and we’d be happy to answer any questions.


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The Case for Video Content Marketing and SEO Results

Case for Video Marketing

The Case For Video Marketing and How It Helps SEO

Whether the business is large or small, content is king when it comes to search and being found. If you’re looking for a case for video marketing, this is it. According to OptimWise there are several factors that lead to success in being found in a search. OptimWise also shares that the items that are important and improve your chances are stuff like the quality of the content and how well the keywords have been researched and used effectively.

Other factors include newness of information, how well information answers a question being looked for, and how well items are structured and tagged. Items that can decrease success are items like useless content and stuffing keywords throughout to try to trick Google and the like.

Why Video?

Before we get into the SEO portion, it’s important to understand why video is helpful in general. When videos are relatively short, they can be more impactful than a quick paragraph. Why? Emotion. Emotions can be communicated quickly with music, visuals, movements, transitions, text on screen, verbal statements, etc.

When these come together in a video, the effect is magical. Viewers are drawn into the story, the feeling. They feel like they’re a part of the situation or problem. This is important because without emotion, you’re selling or telling. Everyone wants to buy, no one wants to be sold. Period.

case for video marketing and google search showing video results

Another reason for video is that Google likes it. When you type in a question you will not receive one or more (sometimes several) videos related to that question For example, doing a quick search about Doodly, we find the results are mostly video results along with information about the company that created it.

Notice the top video? That’s our Creative Director, Jenn Jager. She’s the first search result on Google and near the top of YouTube (depending on what you search). How did she do this? Read on…

Case For Video Marketing and How Video affect Search Engine Results

There are several factors that affect search (there are literally 10s and sometimes 100s of items under each of the above listed factors that affect results positively and negatively) and video is not the only one. It is one of the items that impacts rankings positively as long as certain things are in place. We know that Google (Alphabet), the world’s largest search engine, also owns YouTube as one of its brands, so having YouTube video as one type of content helps. But what type of video is helpful in getting results?

Using Google Analytics will help you determine the appropriate keywords, target audience, and real world information on your current performance. If you find an area in the analytics that pops out as a success, maximizing this information can help you determine what information you should be providing.

For example, if you determine that an area of your business is being found related to specific keywords, you might consider adding more blog posts surrounding that topic. In each blog post, you might determine a video about that topic or question might be appropriate. Why would you do that?

It has to do with your visitor’s attention span. Our experience has told us that when a video is on a page, people will more likely watch it versus read the text. If the visitor is reading the text, they may lose interest in the written word and move on (to another page or a different website).

If a visitor is watching an appealing video, they typically stay on the page to the end or near the end of the video…thus more time on the site. This will maximize your content marketing efforts by keeping them on your site longer.

Another factor related to the above paragraph is how this impacts bounce rate. By keeping a viewer on your page longer, your page (and the analytics) are telling Google that the content located on that page (or website as a combination of page) is high quality and keeps the visitor on the page. This is called lowering your bounce rate.

Wistia reported in 2016 that pages without video tracked time on page at 2.6x less than pages with video (article here). Interestingly enough, we find that pages on our website that contain video also track longer visit times. Coincidence? We think not!

Digital Marketing & Video

As a digital marketer, we recommend using video in your social media marketing efforts. If your content marketing strategy doesn’t include social media, you’re missing something. More importantly is the engagement of video on social media.

By adding video to posts, you’re also improving your engagement. Link building is typically related having links from outside websites that bring visitors to your site (and a little the other way as well), but social media is the easiest form.

Creating content, and more specifically video content is not as difficult as you might think. We work on YouTube projects regularly and use a program called Tube Buddy to determine topics and information people are looking for so we can provide content people want. If you want, you can click the link and subscribe to it (by the way, this is an affiliate link).

Whether you’re run a product or service business, providing content and information your prospective customers need and want is directly related to the success of being found online. Search traffic is one area that creating video content can help any business improve their results.

We also hear clients tell us that they don’t know what topics to create content around, such as blog topics, etc. They say they’ve created tons of content already and don’t want to repeat what they have. We think this is a mistake. When blog content repeats (with a different angle), it tells search engines that this website is more about this topic than any other…making the site an expert in the topic.

We have several case studies on our website where clients created videos for a specific purpose, brought viewers to a specific landing page, and converted them to a full-blown lead. Converting a prospect to a sale is a salespersons job. Marketing and video marketing improve the likelihood of converting to a lead and then to a sale, thus affecting the business’s bottom line.

If you need ideas on how to create content, we’ve created a blog post about it so you can create hundreds of topics. Remember to create a mix of written (text) and video (visual) posts so you can analyze which is more impactful for your visitors and which ones perform well. If you find two of 30 posts do very well, do more about those two topics. It will help your ranking. Besides, its’ what your visitors are looking for.

Need help? Give us a call!

Best Video Production Trends That Will Carry Into 2020

YouTube icon on iPad

Video has made a huge impact in the marketing world. In fact, video is oftentimes mentioned as one of the fastest growing categories in marketing. Many say that video is growing at an incredible rate and the number of hours being watch is astounding. We take issue with some of this. We take issue that video is growing so fast. We concede that video is growing rapidly, but we also believe companies like Netflix, YouTube, and Amazon are driving the viewership and hours watched. When it comes to productive business video and video marketing, the number of hours has increased, but we don’t believe it’s as quickly as the overall video world. There are several components that drive video interactivity, and that’s what business owners want. Getting people to watch the video is one thing, getting people to act is another. In this post, we’ll share with you the top 4 Video Trends that any business should be keenly aware of before 2020.

If you asked what some of the video trends would be two years ago, you would have heard stuff like 3D video or 360-degree video or Virtual Reality video. All those types of videos have a place, but they certainly weren’t the trend for the year 2018, 2019, and probably won’t be for 2020. If you want to be on the cutting edge of trends related to video, you can get very experimental, but it’ll be tough to get a high (or mediocre) return on that investment. That starts by understanding what is important when measuring ROI. Is it search results on any one of the search engines? Or is it calls or orders? Whether the business is a product or service business, it doesn’t matter…video content can help. By varying the marketing campaign slightly, one can get slightly different results. The key is to have some online video because there is online activity happening 24 hours a day.

Marketing agencies will push you to build the brand according to the marketing strategy…and this is critical and why stuff like 3D video or 360-degree video is just hype and cool stuff…but not necessarily for you. That type of video typically needs a lot of planning, a larger budget and more time to get the perfect video. The issue at hand is on the consumption side of the equation. How do people view a 3D video if they don’t have a 3D television? Or how does one view a Virtual Reality video if they don’t have the headset? That’s why we don’t think it’s the right tool for most businesses.

The reality is people are using all kinds of methods to access answers to their questions, including voice search and artificial intelligence. Most digital marketing agencies will tell you that you must have all the bases covered by having digital pieces that support stuff like voice search and the like. For a small business, a medium sized business or a large business, it’s tough to know how to exactly create brand awareness or to have a budget for stuff you don’t know will be worth the investment until much later. More so, even the largest of companies that invest in these types of videos are finding that it’s tough to measure whether it’s worth the work and the investment. Typically, they’ll use one of those videos to get some chatter or shares online. Does that convert to new sales? Probably not.

What are the best video trends to follow for success?

With the above in mind, what are the marketing trends and the video trends that will provide the best results to the most amount of businesses? Here’s our list:

Explainer Videos. This may seem to be elementary and unexpected when talking about trends, the explainer video does several things for the business. It provides transparency for the viewer that helps them feel a level of comfort to take action. Businesses that provide a level of frankness in their messaging can provide a disarming feeling and a sense of integrity. For example, in this video below, the viewer gets a sense that the company can deliver what it promises with it’s Primula cold brew coffee carafe. Want one after you’ve watched this video? Click the link!


Bite-Sized Videos. Our potential clients typically ask us how long their video should be and then blurt out that they think it should be short. While that may be the case, it’s not always the case. Sometimes longer videos are better. For example, a long video might be helpful when its answering a question, explaining something complex, or providing better insights into who or what something is. Think of these types of videos as a silent level of customer service. But, shorter video can be highly effective when used appropriately. We find shorter videos are more productive when used in marketing materials and social media. No one wants to watch a long video that sells to the viewer; therefore, keep a sales message video a little shorter than you think. Below, this video is shorter (relatively speaking) but allows the viewer enough time to understand how and what the product is and does.


Product Videos. Product videos will most likely never go out of style. These videos help the viewer understand what the product does and how it solves a problem without having to purchase it. Once the viewer understands, they can make a will informed decision to purchase it. We’ve heard from many sources (such as from Impact Learning Center & HubSpot’s Importance of Product Videos for E-Commerce, and there’s more) that video increases product conversion to sales by an incredible amount. This happens because of the educational and informational way that product videos will present the product.

Story Videos/TV Style Videos. This type of video is one that feels like a television show and not a sales tool. For business, the three videos above are important, but they also are very promotional in nature. That can be good and can create results, but sometimes at the cost of irritating the viewer because they must sit through the promotional nature of the video. A trend we’re noticing with our clients is the acceptance of slightly longer videos that tell a story. For example, the video below shows the viewer what is about to happen and the challenges they may face. It provides a little conflict to the story. Then, we do a mid-point check in. This allows the viewer to see the project complexity and the challenges first hand. Ever wonder what your contractor would be doing during your project? This gives a glimpse into the construction world and what a high-quality construction contractor would be doing. Finally, the reveal. Here’s what the contractor did to complete project and how the project turned out. Obviously, the concept showed how the complexity was overcome by the competent team. This company was able to boast and show how they completed a difficult task. Who would you call after viewing this if you were a restaurant?


Another example of this type of video is the ChairSpeaker video. This video shows (in a slightly comical and relatable way) how those who have lost their hearing often times feel left out of conversations when they try to watch television with a headset that helps them hear. The ChairSpeaker solves this problem by providing a product that helps the hearing impaired stay engaged in conversation while still being able to watch and listen to television (just like everyone else).


SEO Videos. SEO videos are used to help improve search engine optimization while answering questions the viewer wants to know. These videos are typically topical in nature and typically answer a question that someone has typed into Google or Bing. For example, this attorney answers why Uninsured Motorist insurance is important to anyone who owns a car and drives on the roadway. The purpose of the video is to answer the question and to serve as an indicator to Google what their website is all about. We also might recommend doing some additional live videos with a mobile phone and answering questions with viewers on Facebook or YouTube. This serves the same purpose, only on those social media sites. Google and the like love content. Anytime a business website can provide more content it gets rewarded.

While this may sound like a boring list and one that doesn’t include the coolest, latest and greatest technology, it does include video options that will create a return on your investment (if used properly). One of the biggest changes we are seeing in the industry is the use of videos that feel like a television show and not a sales tool. This is nothing new, but we’re seeing it used more and more… and we think that’s a good thing. It requires a little more flexibility and planning, but if done correctly, it can provide the viewer with an experience that is much different than the typical sales piece. We will always go back to the point of how it is used. One of the ways we recommend using that type of video is prior to the call. Let the prospect find the video and understand who you are in a different light; thus connecting with your purpose and style before the call. This goes a long way to create an emotional bond prior to making the phone call.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss some possible video ideas for you and your business, give us a call or drop us a line via our contact us form. We’d love to find a creative way to make your business stand out from your competitors and get more business!