Corporate Video Trends of 2024 That Every Business Must Know

Corporate Video Trends of 2024 - Plum Productions

Corporate Video Trends of 2024

While it’s always difficult to know exactly where the year will take us (nod back to 2020, whereby everyone shut down in March), it is possible to look forward and make an educated guess as to where the corporate video trends will go in 2024. Let’s get into where we think the trends are heading.

Emerging Technologies and Their Impact on Corporate Video Trends

Everyone says AI is taking over the world. Yes, it is. But can it fully take over video production right now? No, we don’t believe it can. Where AI can assist corporate video is how companies will create their ideas. It may even help create ideas that we humans haven’t thought of yet.

AI-Driven Video Creation: Artificial intelligence is a corporate video trend we all knew would be mentioned in 2024. AI is streamlining video production by automating tasks such as editing, color correction, and scriptwriting but it still takes a human to determine if what was corrected is, in fact, actually correct. More likely, AI will help analyze viewer data to enable the creation of content that better matches audience preferences, leading to more personalized and engaging videos. We see this already on YouTube’s “Recommended” Feature in the YouTube Studio.

Virtual Production: This technology brings the capabilities of high-end film production to corporate video, allowing for the creation of realistic environments without physical sets. Virtual production reduces logistical costs and enhances creative possibilities, enabling products or brands to be showcased in any setting imaginable, all while maintaining high production values.

By leveraging AI and virtual production, businesses can produce standout content more efficiently and engage their audiences in more meaningful ways. These technologies are not just improving how videos are made; they’re redefining the possibilities for corporate communication, promising more personalized, immersive, and interactive content. In 2024, the use of AI-driven video creation and virtual production is expected to grow, setting new benchmarks for corporate video excellence.

Authenticity and Storytelling in Corporate Videos

One of the more recent corporate video trends is the notion that audiences prefer authenticity and connection. Corporate videos that leverage genuine narratives and storytelling not only stand out but also create a lasting impact on their viewers. This trend towards authenticity and storytelling is shaping how companies approach video content in 2024.

Authenticity Breeds Trust: Authenticity serves as a method of garnering trust. Companies are moving away from pushy sales-centric videos in favor of content that showcases real people, real stories, and genuine experiences. This approach helps humanize brands, making them more relatable and trustworthy to their audience.

Storytelling Connects on a Deeper Level: Storytelling is a powerful tool. It goes beyond mere product features or benefits, weaving a narrative that engages viewers emotionally. Whether it’s through customer success stories, behind-the-scenes looks at the company culture, or stories that highlight the impact of a product or service, storytelling videos draw viewers in and leave a more profound, memorable impression. The key is a strong balance between too much story and making your point quickly enough not to lose the viewer.

Incorporating User-Generated Content: One way companies are enhancing authenticity in their videos is by incorporating user-generated content. This type of content, created by customers or employees, adds a layer of authenticity that can’t be replicated with traditional production methods. It also fosters a sense of community and engagement around the brand.

Challenges and Opportunities: While the push towards authenticity and storytelling offers a path to deeper audience connection, it also presents challenges. Crafting compelling narratives requires a keen understanding of the brand’s identity and audience’s values. However, when executed well, storytelling can transcend traditional marketing, turning corporate videos into impactful narratives that resonate with viewers on a personal level.

As we look at corporate video trends of 2024, the importance of authenticity and storytelling in corporate videos is only expected to grow. Businesses that can master this art will not only captivate their audiences but also build stronger, more meaningful connections with them.

Innovative Content Formats for Corporate Communication

Another of the more interesting corporate video trends is the number of content formats available to businesses has grown dramatically in recent years. In 2024, companies are not just producing traditional videos; they are exploring new, innovative formats to engage their audience. These include interactive videos, live broadcasts, and even immersive 360-degree experiences.

Interactive Videos: Interactive videos have risen in popularity, offering viewers a participatory experience. These videos allow audiences to make choices that affect the video’s storyline or outcome, turning passive viewers into active participants. For corporate communication, this means creating training modules, product demos, or even interactive annual reports where stakeholders can choose what information they want to explore.

Live Broadcasts: Live broadcasts have become a staple in the corporate communication toolkit. They offer real-time engagement with audiences, be it through Q&A sessions, product launches, or behind-the-scenes glimpses. The authenticity and immediacy of live video foster a sense of community and transparency between businesses and their audience.

Immersive 360-Degree Experiences: While not universally adopted, 360-degree videos offer an immersive viewing experience, placing the audience in the center of the action. For businesses, this could mean virtual tours of facilities, immersive product experiences, or even 360-degree coverage of events. These videos provide a unique perspective, offering viewers a more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

The adoption of these innovative content formats signifies a shift in corporate video communication. By embracing these formats, businesses can engage their audiences in more meaningful, interactive, and immersive ways. The key to success lies in understanding which formats best align with the company’s communication goals and audience preferences.

As we navigate through the corporate video trends of 2024, the exploration of new content formats in corporate video is expected to continue, pushing the boundaries of how businesses communicate with their stakeholders.

Strategic Video Placement Across Digital Platforms

In 2024, creating compelling corporate videos is only part of the equation; strategically placing these videos across various digital platforms is critical for maximizing reach and engagement. Businesses are diversifying their video distribution strategies to include not just traditional channels like company websites and YouTube but also social media, email campaigns, and streaming services.

Social Media Platforms: Each social media platform offers unique advantages for video content. YouTube is one of the largest video platforms in the online world. Instagram, for example, is ideal for short, engaging clips, while LinkedIn is perfect for B2B videos that showcase industry expertise or company culture. Tailoring video content to the strengths of each platform can dramatically increase its effectiveness.

Corporate Websites and Blogs: Videos embedded on company websites or blogs can significantly enhance user experience and SEO. Explainer videos, testimonials, and product demos on relevant pages or posts can help convert visitors into customers by providing valuable information in an engaging format.

Here’s an example (above).

Email Campaigns: Including videos in email campaigns can boost open rates and engagement. A compelling video thumbnail in an email invites recipients to click through to watch the full video, whether it’s a product announcement, a behind-the-scenes look, or a message from the CEO.

Advertisements on Streaming Services: With the rise of streaming platforms, placing advertisements or sponsored content in this space can reach audiences who are increasingly shifting away from traditional TV. Targeted ads on platforms like Hulu or Netflix can capture the attention of viewers in a less saturated advertising environment.

Strategic placement ensures that videos reach their intended audience in the most effective manner. By understanding the unique benefits of each platform and aligning them with the video’s goals and target audience, businesses can leverage their video content to achieve maximum impact.

As we continue through 2024, the strategic placement of corporate videos will become even more sophisticated, with companies leveraging data analytics and AI to fine-tune their distribution strategies for optimal engagement and ROI.

Measuring Success: Analytics and ROI of Corporate Videos

In 2024, one of the most important corporate video trends is the emphasis on quantifying the impact a placed video. Businesses are increasingly leveraging sophisticated analytics tools to measure the success and return on investment (ROI) of their video content. This shift towards data-driven strategies enables companies to make informed decisions about their video marketing efforts, optimizing for better engagement, conversion rates, and overall performance.

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Identifying the right KPIs is crucial for measuring video success. These may include view count, engagement rate (likes, shares, comments), watch time, conversion rate, and click-through rate (CTR). By analyzing these metrics, businesses can gauge how well their content resonates with their audience and contributes to their marketing goals.

Analytics Tools: Advanced analytics platforms provide deep insights into video performance across various channels. Tools like Google Analytics, social media insights, and video hosting analytics (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo) offer a comprehensive view of how videos are performing in terms of viewer engagement and behavior. This data is invaluable for refining content strategy and improving video effectiveness.

ROI Measurement: Calculating the ROI of corporate videos involves assessing both direct and indirect benefits. Direct benefits might include increased sales or leads directly attributed to video campaigns. Indirect benefits could encompass enhanced brand awareness, customer loyalty, and long-term customer value. A combination of quantitative data and qualitative insights can help paint a complete picture of video ROI.

Continuous Optimization: The journey doesn’t end with measuring initial performance. Successful businesses use these analytics to continuously optimize their video content and distribution strategies. A/B testing different video formats, calls-to-action (CTAs), and distribution channels can help identify what works best for reaching and engaging the target audience.

In 2024, the ability to measure and understand the impact of corporate video is a competitive advantage. Companies that master the art of video analytics are well-positioned to tailor their content strategies effectively, ensuring that every video they produce delivers maximum value. Ask us how.


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Three Tips to Winning With Effective Tradeshow Video

effective tradeshow video on display at event

Often times, digital presence is intertwined with business success and tradeshows remain a pivotal platform for direct engagement and networking. Making a highly effective tradeshow video becomes critically important. Between all the bustling aisles and countless booths, standing out becomes a challenge that many businesses face. Enter the game-changer: tradeshow videos. These dynamic tools are not just about showcasing products or services; they are a strategic medium to tell your brand’s story, evoke emotions, and engage potential clients in a crowded tradeshow environment.

The power of video content at tradeshows cannot be understated. It combines visuals, sound, and narrative to capture attention in a way that static displays or printed materials cannot. An effective tradeshow video goes beyond  promotion; it creates an immersive experience, inviting attendees to learn about your business in a compelling and memorable way. From highlighting product features and benefits to sharing customer testimonials and company values, they can significantly impact your tradeshow success.

However, creating a video that resonates with your audience and achieves your business objectives requires more than just hitting the record button. It demands a thoughtful approach to content creation, from understanding your audience and defining clear objectives to crafting a message that stands out. In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of planning, creating, promoting, and measuring the success of your tradeshow videos to ensure you’re not just participating in the tradeshow but winning it.

Planning Your Tradeshow Video

The planning stage is critical in creating a tradeshow video that not only captures attention but also conveys your message effectively to your target audience. This phase lays the foundation for success by aligning your content with your business goals and audience needs. Here’s how to plan your for maximum impact:

1. Define Your Objectives: Start by defining what you want to achieve with your tradeshow content. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, showcase a new product, generate leads, or educate your audience about your services? Your objectives will guide the content, style, and messaging of your video.

2. Know Your Audience: Understanding who your audience is and what they care about is essential. Research the demographics and interests of tradeshow attendees and tailor your content to meet their needs and preferences. This ensures your message resonates and engages the right people.

3. Craft a Compelling Message: Your video should tell a story that connects with your audience. Focus on the benefits of your products or services, not just the features. Use emotional and relatable elements to create a narrative that viewers will remember long after the tradeshow ends.

4. Decide on the Video Format: There are several formats to choose from, including product demonstrations, customer testimonials, behind-the-scenes looks, or company overviews. The format should complement your objectives and be suitable for the tradeshow environment, where noise and distractions are common.

5. Logistics and Technical Considerations: Plan for the logistical aspects of displaying your video at the tradeshow. Consider the equipment you’ll need, such as screens and sound systems, and ensure it is optimized for viewing in a busy, often noisy, environment. This might mean focusing more on visual elements and using subtitles if necessary.

6. Budget and Resources: Allocate a budget for your production, keeping in mind costs for scripting, filming, editing, and equipment rental. Consider what resources you have in-house versus what you may need to outsource to professionals.

Through proper planning, you set the stage for a piece of content that not only draws attention but also effectively communicates your message and achieves your business objectives.


Creating Compelling Tradeshow Video Content

After laying the groundwork with thorough planning, the next step is to create content that not only draws attention but also leaves a lasting impression on your audience. Engaging tradeshow content can significantly enhance your booth’s appeal and effectively communicate your message. Here’s how to create compelling content for your tradeshow:

1. Focus on Storytelling: Humans are naturally drawn to stories. Structure your video around a narrative that showcases your product or service in action, highlights success stories, or conveys your brand’s journey. A well-told story can evoke emotions and create a memorable connection with your audience.

2. Keep It Short and Sweet: Attention spans are limited, especially in a bustling tradeshow environment. Aim for a video length of 1-2 minutes to convey your key messages without losing viewer interest. Every second counts, so make sure each moment is impactful.

3. High-Quality Production: Invest in a high-quality production to ensure your content looks professional and is engaging. This includes clear visuals, crisp audio (with subtitles for noisy environments), and a seamless flow of information. Quality production values can significantly impact how your brand is perceived.

4. Make It Visually Engaging: Use dynamic visuals, animations, and text overlays to make it stand out. Visual elements can help explain complex information in an easy-to-understand way and keep your audience engaged from start to finish.

5. Include a Call to Action: Your video should not only inform and entertain but also inspire viewers to take the next step. Whether it’s visiting your website, signing up for a demo, or simply learning more about your products, a clear call to action (CTA) is crucial for converting interest into action.

Creating compelling content that involves a blend of creativity, strategy, and technical execution. By focusing on storytelling, high production values, and keeping your message is clear and concise, you can captivate tradeshow attendees and elevate your brand presence.

Effective Promotion and Engagement Strategies

Creating a compelling tradeshow video is just the first step; promoting it effectively to reach your audience is crucial for maximizing its impact. Here are strategies to ensure it engages attendees before, during, and after the tradeshow:

1. Leverage Social Media: Utilize your company’s social media channels to tease your content prior to the tradeshow. Post snippets or trailers to build anticipation and drive traffic to your booth. Continue to share your snippets on social media during and after the event to reach those who couldn’t attend in person. Get viewers engaged. Have them tag themselves at the event.

2. Email Marketing: Incorporate your content into email campaigns targeted at tradeshow attendees and your broader audience. A well-crafted email can pique interest and encourage recipients to seek out your booth or learn more about your offerings.

3. Utilize QR Codes: Make your video easily accessible at the tradeshow by incorporating QR codes in your booth design. Attendees can scan the code to watch it on their mobile devices, providing them with an immediate and interactive way to engage with your content.

4. Engage with Live Demonstrations: If possible, integrate live demonstrations of your product or service with your video content. This combination can significantly enhance attendee engagement, providing a tactile experience that complements the visual and narrative elements of your content.

5. Follow-up After the Event: Use your tradeshow video as a follow-up tool after the event. Sending a thank-you email to booth visitors and including the video can reinforce your message and maintain interest in your brand. Take it a step further and personalize the email by mentioning things you spoke directly with them about and incorporate a short personal video message.

By implementing these promotion and engagement strategies, you can extend the reach of your video beyond the event itself, fostering ongoing engagement with your target audience and maximizing the return on your investment.

Measuring Successful Tradeshow Video

After investing time and resources into creating and promoting your tradeshow video, it’s essential to measure its success to understand the return on your investment and gather insights for future projects. Here are key metrics and methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your content:

1. Engagement Metrics: Track how many people viewed your video during the tradeshow and afterwards online. Look at engagement metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and watch time to gauge how your content resonated with the audience. You might track how many people visited your booth or how many watched the content as part of the sales process.

2. Lead Generation: Measure the number of leads generated directly from your video. This can include QR code scans, website visits, unique phone numbers, unique emails, sign-ups for more information, or direct inquiries about your products or services.

3. Conversion Rates: Evaluate how many of the leads generated from your video turned into actual sales or business opportunities. This will help you understand it’s effectiveness in driving tangible business results.

4. Audience Feedback: Collect feedback from tradeshow attendees and online viewers about your video. This qualitative data can provide valuable insights into what worked well and what could be improved for future video content. Be sure to ask specific questions about what they learned after watching rather than, “What did you think?”

5. Social Media Reach: Analyze the reach and impact of your content on social media platforms. Metrics such as shares, views, and engagement on these platforms can indicate it’s broader appeal and effectiveness in extending your brand’s visibility beyond the show.

Carefully analyzing these metrics can provide you with a comprehensive understanding of the video’s performance. This not only helps justify the investment but also informs your strategy for future content, ensuring continuous improvement and greater success in your marketing efforts.


Tradeshows provide a unique opportunity for businesses to showcase their offerings and connect with potential customers in a dynamic environment. In this competitive landscape, videos emerge as powerful tools to capture attention, convey messages, and engage audiences effectively. Through careful planning, creating compelling content, employing strategic promotion and engagement tactics, and measuring success, businesses can elevate their tradeshow presence and achieve remarkable results.

“Winning with Tradeshow Videos” is more than just about having a video play at your booth. It’s about crafting a narrative that resonates with your audience, stands out in a crowded space, and ultimately drives your business objectives. By following the guidelines and strategies outlined in this article, you’re not just participating in the tradeshow; you’re setting the stage for success.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the role of video at tradeshows will only grow more significant. Investing in high-quality, engaging video content is an investment in your brand’s visibility and impact. Remember, the goal is not only to attract attention during the tradeshow but to leave a lasting impression that continues well beyond the event.


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Free Guide to Improve SEO With Video On Any Business Website

Video helps website SEO

Yes, Video On Your Website Improves SEO

Can video improve your SEO ranking in search? We find that it helps in an indirect way. Having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to reach their target audience and stay competitive.  Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in ensuring that your website ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs). While there are many strategies to boost your website’s SEO, one often overlooked method is incorporating video content into your business website.

The Power of Website Video

Video has become an incredibly popular form of content consumption and an effective means to promote or convey a message. According to recent studies, 85% of internet users in the United States watch online videos regularly. Additionally, over half of consumers want to see more video content from the brands they support. We’ve even seen a rise in introduction videos.

From product demonstrations and customer testimonials to behind-the-scenes footage and educational tutorials, video allows businesses to communicate their message effectively and engage with their audience in such a way that builds trust and creates a connection between the business and the viewer. By adding videos to your website, you provide visitors with diverse media options that cater to different learning styles while keeping them on your site longer…leading to improved SEO.

The Impact on Website SEO

It’s no secret that search engines love rich media content like images and videos. When it comes to ranking websites, search algorithms take various factors into account – including user engagement metrics such as time spent on site and bounce rates. Video easily adds time spent on your site while they view your content.

A well-optimized video embedded within your webpages can significantly enhance these metrics by increasing dwell time – the amount of time users spend actively engaging with a webpage before returning back or navigating elsewhere. As visitors stay longer on your site watching informative or entertaining videos related to their interests or needs, it signals search engines that you have valuable content worth promoting.

Title Tags: Incorporating Keywords

Title tags play an essential role in helping both users and search engines understand what a webpage is about. Including relevant keywords in your video’s title tag can improve your website’s visibility on SERPs for those specific terms.

For example, if you have a video tutorial on “how to bake a cake,” incorporating the keyword “cake baking tutorial” into the title tag will increase the chances of your video appearing in search results when someone searches for that particular topic. This increases organic traffic to your site and boosts SEO rankings.

Video Transcriptions On Your Website: Boosting Keyword Density

In order for search engines to understand what a video is about, it’s crucial to include transcriptions or captions. Not only do they provide accessibility benefits for users with hearing impairments, but they also contribute to SEO by enhancing keyword density within the page itself. While YouTube usually generates a transcript automatically, the transcript typically does not embed into your site; therefore, you should embed one yourself.

Crafting accurate transcriptions that capture key phrases and industry-specific terms directly related to your content helps search engines recognize the relevance of your videos and webpages more effectively.

Social Sharing: Increasing Backlinks & SEO

One major factor that affects SEO is backlinking – when other websites link back to yours. By having engaging videos on your business website, you increase their shareability across social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. When viewers find value in these videos and share them with their network, it generates more exposure for your brand while creating valuable backlinks – ultimately contributing positively towards improving SEO rankings.

Here’s an interesting video that helped one nonprofit understand what they do with their 5k Race in raising funds to help those in need. This video lived on a website that kept people engaged because it was fun to watch, entertaining, informative, and visually appealing.

(Did that entertain you? Did you watch some of the video? You just spent a little more time on our blog post, didn’t you?)

The Mobile Advantage

In recent years, mobile usage has skyrocketed globally. Over 50% of online searches now come from mobile devices rather than desktop computers. Websites with embedded videos are proven to be more mobile-friendly compared to pages filled solely with text-based content or heavy images since they tend not only load faster but also offer an interactive experience without overwhelming small screens or draining data plans excessively. This mobile advantage further enhances user experience, which search engines prioritize when determining SERP rankings. A seamless mobile experience that incorporates engaging video content will help your website rank higher in searches conducted on smartphones or tablets.

With mobile use increasing so dramatically over the past decade and the ability to stream video increasing at the same time, any business can catch the potential customer when they want information. The new SEO is really about being the solution to their problem (search) when they need it.


We believe that integrating videos into your business website is a powerful SEO strategy that can significantly improve both user engagement and organic search rankings. When you optimize your video’s title tags, include transcriptions for improved keyword density, and leverage the shareability of videos across social media platforms to increase backlinks, you create an online environment that can captivate visitors while boosting the visibility of your brand on search engine results pages.

Incorporating video content is not just optional – it’s an essential component of any successful digital marketing campaign. Start harnessing the power of video today to enhance your SEO efforts and connect with your target audience. If you don’t, your competitors will.


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How To Create Impactful Healthcare Marketing Videos

Fusion of healthcare and video digital marketing Plum Productions Video

How to a Create Healthcare Industry Video that Engage Patients and Drive Results

In the world of healthcare, where communication is key, marketing videos have emerged as a powerful tool to connect, educate, and inspire audiences. With the rapid evolution of digital media, healthcare organizations are increasingly turning to video content to convey their messages in a more impactful and engaging way. This shift towards visual storytelling not only captures the essence of medical services but also humanizes the sector, making it more accessible to a wider audience.

Healthcare marketing video is extremely important because the industry is highly competitive. It offers a unique blend of visual and auditory elements that can simplify complex medical information, showcase patient testimonials, and highlight the human side of medicine. From small clinics to large hospitals, the use of marketing videos is revolutionizing how providers communicate with their patients, attract new patients, and the community at large.

However, creating effective healthcare marketing videos requires more than just a camera and a script. It involves an understanding of what resonates with the audience, the ability to craft compelling narratives, and the technical know-how to produce high-quality content. This article shares marketing insights and tips on creating videos that not only inform and educate but also leave a lasting impact on viewers.

The Importance of Video

In the rapidly evolving landscape of healthcare marketing, video has emerged as a crucial medium for communication and engagement. This importance can be attributed to several key factors:

  1. Enhanced Engagement and Retention: Videos capture attention more effectively than text or static images. They combine visual and auditory stimuli, which leads to higher retention rates. In the context of healthcare, where information can often be complex and dense, videos simplify and present content in an easily digestible format.
  2. Emotional Connection: Healthcare is inherently personal and emotional. Videos have the unique ability to convey emotions through storytelling, music, and visuals. They can humanize healthcare providers, showcasing the compassionate side of care, and create a stronger emotional bond with the audience.
  3. Versatility in Content Delivery: Videos in healthcare can serve multiple purposes – from explaining medical procedures and showcasing patient testimonials to providing virtual tours of medical facilities and demonstrating the use of medical devices. This versatility makes it a one-stop solution for various communication needs.
  4. Greater Accessibility: Videos can reach a wider audience, including those with reading difficulties or language barriers. Subtitles and voiceovers in multiple languages can make the content accessible to a diverse audience. Additionally, videos can be easily shared across different platforms, increasing their reach.
  5. Boost in Online Presence and SEO: Videos are favored by search engines and can significantly boost a website’s visibility. They encourage longer site visits and interactions, which are key metrics in search engine optimization (SEO). This leads to higher rankings and greater online presence for medical providers.
  6. Social Media Amplification: Social media platforms prioritize video content, leading to higher engagement rates. Healthcare organizations can leverage this to spread awareness, educate the public, and promote health initiatives effectively.

The integration of video into medical marketing strategies is not just a trend but a necessity in today’s digital age. It provides an effective way to communicate complex medical information in an engaging and accessible manner, fostering a connection with the audience that goes beyond traditional marketing techniques.

Key Elements of Effective Healthcare Marketing Videos

Creating a compelling healthcare marketing video is an art that combines various elements. To ensure it resonates with your viewer and effectively communicates your message, you’ll want to incorporate the following elements:

  1. A Story: The heart of any effective marketing video is storytelling. In healthcare, this often involves patient stories, their healthcare journey, or the impact of medical advancements. A well-crafted story can evoke emotions, create a personal connection, and make complex medical information relatable.
  2. Emotional Appeal: Healthcare is a field ripe with emotions. It should tap into these emotions – hope, relief, compassion,  or triumph – to create a lasting impression. Emotional appeal can be achieved through patient testimonials, stories of medical breakthroughs, or the dedication of healthcare workers.
  3. Clarity and Simplicity: Some medical topics may be complex, so your video should aim to break down these complexities into clear, concise, and  understandable segments. Using simple language, visual aids, and analogies that can reduce medical jargon and concepts into understandable terms.
  4. High-Quality Visuals and Audio: The technical quality of your video can significantly impact its effectiveness. High-resolution visuals, clear sound quality, and professional editing ensure your message is conveyed cleanly and professionally. This is a must if you want to portray professionalism and expertise. A knowledgeable doctor is quickly discounted with poor sound or lighting.
  5. Branding: Consistent branding helps build trust. Including your organization’s logo, color scheme, and other branding elements in your video will reinforce your identity and values.
  6. Call to Action (CTA): Every effective marketing video should end with a clear CTA. Whether it’s encouraging viewers to visit your website, book an appointment, or follow your social media channels, your CTA should be clear, compelling, and easy to follow.

Remember, the goal is not just to inform but also to engage and persuade, making your healthcare service the preferred choice.

Creative Tips for Creating High-Quality Healthcare Videos

Producing high-quality healthcare videos that captivate and inform requires a blend of creativity and technical prowess. What make high-quality healthcare videos creative? It’s the pre-work. Here are some of those steps.

  1. Innovative Storyboarding: Before the shoot, create a detailed storyboard. A well-thought-out storyboard ensures a coherent and impactful final product. Plan the work and work the plan.
  2. Utilizing Diverse Perspectives: Show different aspects of healthcare by including diverse viewpoints – patients, medical providers, and family members. This approach adds depth to your narrative and showcases the  impact of healthcare services.
  3. Incorporating Visual Metaphors: Use visual metaphors to represent complex healthcare concepts. This can make abstract ideas more concrete and relatable to your audience, enhancing their understanding and engagement.
  4. Integrating Animation and Graphics: Animations and graphics can explain complex medical procedures or data in a simplified manner. They are particularly effective in breaking down complex information into digestible bite-sized content.
  5. Balancing Information and Entertainment: While the primary goal is to inform, adding an entertainment element can significantly increase viewer engagement. Humor, compelling narratives, or interesting visual effects can make your video more memorable. This is not always easy to do but can be an effective way in being more personable.
  6. Focusing on Authenticity: Authentic content resonates more with audiences. Never try to trick someone into believing you can do more than you actually can. A real patient story with genuine emotions will make your video more relatable and trustworthy.

Measuring Success: Analytics and Engagement Metrics for Healthcare Videos

Creating impactful healthcare marketing videos is just one part of the equation; measuring their success is equally important. Understanding how your videos perform can help refine strategies, enhance engagement, and ultimately achieve your marketing goals. Here are some key metrics to consider:

  1. View Count and Watch Time: These are basic yet crucial metrics. View count is the number of times your video has been watched and watch time is how long viewers stayed engaged with your content. Longer watch times usually signify more effective content and more important than the number of views.
  2. Engagement Rate: This involves likes, shares, comments, and other forms of interaction. High engagement rates often indicate that your content is resonating with your audience, encouraging them to interact and share. This is an important measurable goal to define and work toward.
  3. Conversion Rate: If your video has a call-to-action (CTA), the conversion rate measures how effectively it motivates viewers to take that specific action, whether its visiting a website, signing up for a newsletter, or booking an appointment.
  4. Click-Through Rate (CTR): This measures how often people who view your video go on to click a provided link. A high CTR is indicative of compelling content that successfully drives viewers to take the next step. Action taken usually means more business to come.
  5. Audience Retention: This metric shows at what point viewers are dropping off. Analyzing this can help identify which parts of your video are engaging and where it might be losing viewers’ interest.
  6. Social Sharing: The number of times your video is shared on social media platforms can be a strong indicator of its effectiveness. More shares typically mean higher reach and engagement.
  7. Feedback and Comments: While quantitative data is vital, qualitative feedback like comments can provide insights into how your video is being received. Use this information to guide you in your future content.

By regularly monitoring these metrics, healthcare organizations can gain valuable insights into their audience’s preferences and behaviors, allowing for continuous improvement in their video marketing strategies. Remember, the goal is not only to reach your audience but to engage and inspire them to act.

What Does It Mean?

Healthcare marketing has changed thanks to the power of video. Videos offer a unique medium to convey complex medical information in an engaging, relatable, and accessible manner. Whether capturing the essence of patient stories or providing clear calls to action, the potential of video in healthcare marketing is limitless.

As medical professionals, it’s critical to recognize the importance of stories, emotions, creativity, and analytics in creating effective marketing videos. These elements not only ensure that your content resonates with your audience but also drives engagement and measurable results.

Remember, the success of healthcare marketing videos is not solely measured by their visual appeal or production quality, but also by their ability to connect with audiences, convey a message, and inspire action.

Embrace video as a cornerstone of your marketing strategy and you’ll begin to understand the power of video in your marketing plan.


**Contact Plum Productions today to learn more about how we can help you create engaging videos.


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Promotional Video for Professional Services

How a Professional Services Company Can Use a Promotional Video to Grow Their Business

Video is king, we know that. Promotional Video is even better for business. What are people doing to grow their professional services business? Since more people are consuming information and making purchasing decisions based on the videos they watch, a promotional video might be a great start to your marketing plan. We believe this is especially true for professional services companies.

A well-made promotional video can help a professional services company to:

  • Introduce their company and services
  • Showcase their expertise
  • Build trust with potential clients
  • Generate leads and sales

If you’re a professional services company owner, you may be wondering where to start when creating a promotional video. Here are a few tips:

1. Start with a clear goal

What do you want your promotional video to achieve? Do you want to introduce your company to new potential clients? Are you looking to showcase your expertise in a particular area or generate leads for a specific service?  Reviewing profitable lines of service might be a good starting point when trying to decide on what to talk about in the video. Once you know your goal, you can start to develop a script and storyboard that will help you achieve it.

2. Focus on your target audience

Next, who are you trying to reach with your promotional video? Once you know your target audience, tailor your message and visuals to appeal to them. Be specific when talking to them. For example, if you’re targeting business owners, focus on how your services can help them to grow their businesses. Think about how you fit into their daily world and how you can minimize their problems.

3. Highlight your unique value proposition

What makes your professional services company different from the competition… your unique value proposition that you offer your clients. The promotional video should highlight what makes your company special and why potential clients should choose you.

4. Use high-quality visuals

Your promotional video should be visually appealing and engaging. If you run a professional services business, you must portray a level of expertise. You cannot cut corners by using stock video. Make sure the video production company you hire shoots your b-roll in your offices, etc. Using high-quality b-roll video makes your video stand out from others. We highly recommend working with a professional video production company to create your video.

5. Call to action

Most important is telling your viewers what you want them to do after watching your promotional video. Visit your website? Contact you for a consultation? Sign up for your newsletter? Make sure to include a clear call to action at the end of your video. And, make the call to action measurable. We’ve had clients request the call to action remain generic, but how can you measure your success unless you can see if viewers did what you asked them to do.

6. Frequency

If you’re going to run advertisements using your video or videos, you need to think frequency. You can’t run the ad 10 times and think that will provide you with leads. You need to run it a lot to get people to recognize who you are and what you do.

Use a Professional Video Production Company to Create a Promotional Video

Creating a high-quality promotional video can be time-consuming and expensive. If you don’t have the in-house resources to create a video yourself, it’s worth working with a professional video production company.

A professional video production company, like Plum Productions can help you to:

  • Develop a creative and engaging concept for your video
  • Write the script and storyboard
  • Capture and edit your video
  • Use the right music (and sometimes sound effects)
  • Create a video that is optimized for search engines

If you’re serious about using video to grow your professional services business, then investing in a professionally produced video is a wise decision.

How to choose a professional video production company

When choosing a professional video production company, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Experience: Make sure the company has the experience needed to achieve your goals.
  • Portfolio: Review the company’s portfolio to see examples of their work.
  • Testimonials: Ask the company for testimonials from previous clients.
  • Pricing: Get quotes from multiple companies before making a decision.

What Type of Video Content is Right for a Professional Services Company?

When creating a promotional video, we recommend the following types of content:

  • About Us: Your company’s mission and values
  • What We Offer: The services you offer
  • Videos Your target audience and how you can help them
  • Case Studies or Client Testimonial Videos

You can also use your promotional video to highlight any special offers or promotions that you’re running.

A promotional video is a great way for professional services companies to introduce their company and services, showcase their expertise, and build trust with potential clients.

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Elevate Your Business with Corporate Video Production

Staying ahead of the competition is critical to your business’ success. One powerful tool that can give your company the edge it needs is professional corporate video production. It will elevate your place in the market.

The Power of Corporate Video

Video has become the king of content because it’s engaging, memorable, and highly shareable. This makes it the ideal medium for communicating your brand’s message. Whether you’re targeting potential clients, investors, or employees, a beautiful video can convey your story and values like nothing else.

Plum Productions

First, at Plum Productions, we specialize in corporate video production for companies of all sizes. With years of experience under our belts, our team of creative minds and technical wizards is here to transform your ideas into compelling visual narratives.

Second, what truly sets us apart is our ability to seamlessly integrate into your company’s operations. Sometimes, we even take over your existing video production employees, ensuring you get the highest quality service without the stress of managing your employees.

The Plum Productions Corporate Video Difference

  • Fresh Perspective – When you hire Plum Productions, you’re not just getting a the visuals; you’re getting a fresh, outsider’s perspective. We approach your project with a creative eye, offering innovative ideas that may not have been explored within your internal team. This outside perspective can breathe new life into your brand’s story.
  • Exceptional Quality – Quality is non-negotiable. Our team is dedicated to delivering high quality videos that align perfectly with your brand’s image and goals. From scripting to post-production, we maintain the highest standards throughout the entire process.
  • Enhanced Experience – We pride ourselves on clear communication, collaboration, and a commitment to exceeding your expectations. Our goal is to make the process seamless, enjoyable, and stress-free for you.
  • Efficiency – Time is money, especially in the business world. With Plum Productions on your side, you’ll benefit from our streamlined processes and industry expertise. We understand the importance of deadlines, ensuring that your projects are completed efficiently and on time, every time.

Successful Corporate Video - Plum Productions

The Urgency of Excellence

Finally, staying ahead is crucial. Corporate production isn’t just about staying relevant; it’s about setting the pace. Plum Productions is your key to unlocking the full potential of your brand through the power of video.

Don’t wait for your competitors to seize the opportunity. Contact us today and let us transform your corporate production into a force to be reckoned with. Elevate your brand, engage your audience, and make your mark in the corporate world.

The time for excellence is now. Let’s embark on a journey of creativity, efficiency, and exceptional corporate video production. Your brand deserves nothing less!


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Video Production

How To Be A Disrupter in Your Industry – Killer Video

How to Be a Disrupter with Video - Plum Productions Blog

If You Want To Be a Disrupter, You Have To Be Different – Use Video

One of the most powerful tools your marketing department can use is video. It can be a disrupter, if used properly. Video does everything you want in a short amount of time. Video quickly shows the viewer they can trust you and create a bond (hey I think they’re nice people) and communicate your value proposition and authority, all at the same time. This typically can be done in 90 seconds or less. It’s actually quite remarkable.

Conversion rates, number of views, length of watch time, and several other statistics can be measured and tracked over time. Keep in mind that some videos perform better than other and that can happen because of the content and where it is placed.

Creating Killer Video

When creating killer video, it’s important to consider where you’ll be placing it and how you’ll be using it. Essentially, what is your goal in creating a or several videos? If you’re are creating the video so you can sell more product, you’ll likely be creating a promotional video or advertisement. These can come in many forms, but typically are viewed as ads. It’s not often people want to watch ads.

You can’t create killer video if you don’t understand who is viewing it and why they need or want to view it. We highly recommend working with your video production company to create a sense of understand who the target market is before you start recording video.

Here are some basic starting points in creating killer video:

  • What is the purpose of the video (increase sales? increase awareness? something else?)
  • Clarity on what you’re trying to promote (is it clear to the viewer?)
  • Clearly defining your target audience and knowing where to find them.
  • Identifying when, in the buying process, they are in. Are they in the just looking phase? Actively browsing/looking? or Ready to purchase, call, or take action?
  • Clearly define what problem your customer has and answering that call. What is their problem and can you solve it? Do they understand that you can?
  • Where is the video going to be placed? This must be where the customer is looking or would normally look. Place the video/ad where they are. Don’t make them come find you.
  • Budget – Do you have a clearly defined budget for your project? If not, things can get out of control if you allow it. At Plum, we price things so you know exactly how much things will be with no surprises.
  • Creativity – Sometimes making a video that is highly creative can be priced higher than you think. OR, it can be created without as much cost as you think. It’s important to talk about that early.
  • How will you measure success? When creating video, getting views can be a number to gauge success. For others, this means nothing, rather, they need to see increased traffic on the site or an increase in product sold.
  • When we know how to measure success, you’ll know what action the viewer should take. It’s important to say that in the video…What do you want them to do?

ORIGIN-GENSLER 2 MINUTE from Plum Productions on Vimeo.


Types of Video Used to Disrupt an Industry

Knowing all this is helpful, but how does this help you be a disrupter? It helps you determine which type of video you need to create. Here are several types of video you can create to disrupt your industry:

  • Testimonial Videos (also known as Client Referral Videos) – These are your clients who can say what you can’t say. In reality, you can say it, but will they believe you or your clients? If they’re willing to say it or if they’re raving fans, you need to get that on video. We feel like this is one of the big drivers to get people to trust you.
  • Explainers – Videos that show you know what you’re doing by illustrating how you help others or explaining what you do. It might even be a mock up of what you do. Either way, this is a highly effective video to use to clearly define what you do.
  • Product Demonstrations – Sometimes it helps to show people exactly what the result of your service does. Less effective in some uses, highly effective in others. Ask us about these.
  • Educational Videos – These are typically found on YouTube and help people solve their problem or answer their questions. By educating them, they see you as an expert in the field. For example, you might subscribe to a YouTube channel to learn more about financial markets, accounting, or even cooking. Whichever channel you subscribe to, you’re doing it to be entertained, but also, to be educated. These can also come in the form of an expert interview. Using this can be disrupting to your competition.
  • Direct Messages – These might be a quick recorded message captured via VidYard or something similar. It’s a message that is custom crafted to speak directly to the receiver. You can also create custom messages for a type of client and send those. For example, if you have a service company like a plumbing company and want to send an introduction video of the person who will be coming to the house that afternoon, you could create a message that is generic but specific to the situation. That’s disrupting!

The video industry is growing. Business is using video. But how you use video and creating interesting video becomes more and more important.


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7 Benefits of Video In Business Marketing

business marketing video production

Video has become an increasingly important tool for businesses looking to market themselves and reach new customers. In fact, according to a recent survey, over 50% of marketers claim that video is the type of content with the highest ROI. Below are just a few of the many benefits that video can bring to your business marketing efforts.

Business Marketing, Hotel Marketing

Using Video in Business Marketing Can Provide

  1. Increased Engagement: Video is a highly engaging medium, and it’s much more likely to capture and hold a viewer’s attention than text or static images. By using video, you can more effectively grab the attention of your target audience and keep them engaged with your brand.
  2. Higher Conversion Rates: Video is a powerful tool for converting visitors into customers. In fact, including video on a landing page can increase conversions by up to 80%. This is because video allows you to more effectively explain your product or service, demonstrate its value, and build trust with your audience.
  3. Improved SEO: Google and other search engines love video, and using video on your website and social media channels can help boost your search rankings. This is because video provides another way for search engines to understand the content of your website, and it can also drive traffic to your site from video sharing platforms like YouTube.
  4. Greater Social Sharing: Video is more likely to be shared on social media than other types of content, which means it can help you reach a wider audience and build your brand’s online presence. In fact, according to one study, video is shared 1200% more times than both links and text combined.
  5. Enhanced Customer Understanding: Video is an excellent way to explain complex ideas or products in a way that is easy for your audience to understand. By using video, you can more effectively communicate the value of your product or service and help your customers better understand how it can solve their problems.
  6. Improved Customer Retention: Video is a great way to provide ongoing value to your customers, whether it’s through educational content, product demonstrations, or customer testimonials. By using video to keep your customers engaged, you can improve customer retention and build long-term relationships.
  7. Increased Brand Awareness: Video is a highly effective way to build brand awareness and establish your business as a thought leader in your industry. By creating high-quality, informative videos, you can showcase your expertise and establish yourself as a trusted source of information.

While this list is not every way video helps your business, we know that video will convey a message in such a way that it is cleaner and easier to understand, than many of the other forms of marketing communication.

Overall, video is a powerful tool for businesses looking to market themselves and reach new customers. Whether you’re using video for social media, your website, or email marketing, it’s a medium that can help you effectively engage your audience, boost conversions, improve SEO, and build brand awareness. So if you’re not already using video as part of your marketing strategy, it’s definitely worth considering.

Have questions or want to talk through your idea? We’re here to help! Give us a call today.



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4 Beneficial Videos To Promote a Professional Service

Professional Service Video

What video format is the most suitable for a professional service? This type of question gets asked with production services for what a company is looking to accomplish with using video as a means to support their business.

So what types of videos should you look to create as a production company in order to accomplish the goals set out by businesses in need of content?

Every business is unique in what it offers to its customers and how they interact with the consumers they hope to attract to their products. Depending on the service or product they provide, the styles of videos created can vary greatly from one another. Choosing the right format to create with the clients you intend to work with can impact the video product you eventually end up with producing.

Let’s look at the different types of video formats you can create for professional services!

Product Videos

This video format is based around a company that needs to visually show off a product and the function it provides to its user. These videos typically show the product in use or staged around a backdrop to fully depict its form that the consumer will see used in action.

Videos like this are able to effectively show how a company can properly showcase an object and convey its intended purpose to an audience. Also these videos are a great way to increase exposure to other clients as work made in this type of content is easily transferable to other projects.

Professional Service Tutorial Video

Many uses for video formats revolve around being able to show a process or action completed for its audience. A tutorial video is exactly what it means by showing a product or process throughout its steps to get to the finished result.

These videos can be both informational to employees and existing customers as this can help businesses alleviate an essential process they provide with direct input of the desired experience they wish to create. Either if the video is centered around a physical product or an online based task, the value of showing how something works is beneficial for both the company and the consumer.

YouTube / Online Advertisement For A Professional Service

An online advertisement is the most direct way to promote a business product to its intended audience. These videos are meant to have a call to action for its viewer to see a service offered to choose a certain company over the competition.

This type of advertisement can showcase the effectiveness of the product’s company and the production company’s strengths in grabbing the audience’s attention when choosing from alternative options. From a business standpoint companies always have a need to expand interest in what they offer to customers and advertisements are the most direct way to communicate the value they provide.

Live Stream Videos

A long-form way to highlight what a company offers is to create a video that shows a live event or seminar type presentation to an audience. Whether it is a recording of the event or the actual live production of the stream, the facilitation of how this is handled is usually up to a production company through the services they offer.

This means that whether you edit the final product or handle the logistics of the event, businesses will look to companies that are able to ensure their event goes smoothly and professionally captured. Also these types of videos can be an efficient way for companies to increase the amount of work they have with clients as these streams are not usually as demanding from an editing standpoint as most of the work has been already captured.


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Virtual Marketing – Videography during COVID-19


Virtual Marketing – Powerful Tools during COVID-19

The issue isn’t so much if you should create video it’s a matter of how. Virtual Marketing has taken off during COVID, so how do you create video during this pandemic? It can be easier than you think, but it will take some extra planning.

During the pandemic, we were all subject to time at home. Time to think about, “What now?” While some took that time and created something new or slightly different, others waited to see what will happen next. One component that was impacted heavily was video marketing. How do you create new stuff? How do you advertise when everyone is home and they don’t want what you’re selling? Do you ramp up social media? Do you create poor quality video content? How do you create video while social distancing? All great questions, but there are answers and there is a silver lining.

It’s tough to do a full-blown video shoot with a large crew, lots of cameras, lots of people on set, etc. How do you create a video when have your staff is still working from home? You don’t. But what you can do is create a planned out shoot that will provide you with the video that shares your message safely. COVID and the lock down has created a huge opportunity for some. Here’s what we’ve been doing to help those who want to use this opportunity to maximize their messaging.

  • Show How You’re Dealing With COVID – This is one way you can use video. Show your potential clients/customers how you are currently using the proper protocols and safety procedures to keep them safe. That’s what they want to know: Can I trust them to keep me safe? Show them how you’re doing things right and how you’ll keep them safe.
  • Capture Virtual Content – We’ve edited several ‘virtual’ events where the client has a Zoom call and has it edited into a concise video featuring interviews and conversations. These videos/calls can be branded and made to look professional, even though it’s just a Zoom call.
  • Small, Short Content – Some clients are asking us to crate videos using stock video, 2D graphics, even Doodly videos. All of these options allow the business to share a story and get it out via social media or via broadcast. Branded and visual makes the message complete.
  • Create a Video Review – Get your current customers to create a video review for you. They can do it with their cell phone or they can come to our studio where they can come in the back door, stand in place (everything is all set up already) and say their few lines, and leave the back door without touching anything. Masks are required, but we’ll be socially distanced as well.
  • Being Human – If you’ve ever wanted to create your own video using your iPhone to send messages to your clients, now is the time. Video, even poor quality image video, is effective. You’ve seen the late night shows do it on television, so can you…and you can do it without the fear of looking foolish or skimping on quality.
  • Last Point – Know that people don’t want to be sold hard right now. That’s a tactic that can work during normal times. Try this instead: “We’re sure you’ve been impacted by COVID, but we have no idea how badly. We also want to say that we’re here for you when you need us. If you don’t need us now, we completely understand. If you need us in a new way, please tell us so we can help.”

Change creates fear. Instead of being fearful, it’s time to embrace it. Know that we’re doing to be dealing with this for a while moving forward. Knowing that, what changes can you make in your business to make you stand out, be compassionate, and highlight your safety mechanisms all at the same time?

Here’s an example a Zoom Call that was converted into a show:

Here’s an example of a Doodly style video we created.

The opportunities are endless. Need help coming up with ideas? Let us know. Have a different idea that you’d like to do, we’d love to talk and see if it’s something that we can do for you.