7 Video Marketing Strategies That Work: Empower Your Brand

Video Marketing Strategies Essentials

How to Integrate Video Content into Your Marketing Strategies Effectively

Video content has become a cornerstone of many successful marketing strategies, particularly for large organizations looking to capture and engage audiences. Executives and marketing leaders now recognize the impact that video can have on their brand’s visibility and consumer engagement.

For companies with annual revenues exceeding $25 million, the strategic integration of video content into marketing efforts isn’t just an option; it’s imperative for staying competitive and relevant.

Understand Your Video Objectives to Enhance Related Strategies

Before diving into the production of any video content, it’s critical to define what you want to achieve. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, or is your goal more about conversion and lead generation? Perhaps you aim to educate your audience about your products or services, or you need to enhance your customer support with explainers.

Each objective will dictate a different approach in style, messaging, and distribution channels. For executives deciding on a strategic level, aligning video objectives with business goals ensures that investments in your content yield measurable returns.

Analyze Your Audience

Understanding who you are targeting is key. Large organizations often serve diverse markets, and video content should be tailored to the specific demographics, preferences, and behaviors of different audience segments. Analyze your current customer base and use data-driven insights to create buyer personas.

For each persona, consider what type of content would be most engaging, whether it’s a high-energy promotional video, a detailed product demonstration, or a behind-the-scenes look at your company culture. Remember, a one-size-fits-all approach rarely works in personalized marketing.

Develop a Content Calendar Within All Strategies

Third, consistency is key in maintaining the attention of your audience and maximizing the impact of your video marketing efforts. Develop a content calendar that schedules content releases throughout the year. This should align with key business events, product launches, or seasonal peaks in your industry.

For social media experts at large companies, this calendar will help coordinate video content with social media campaigns, ensuring consistent messaging across all platforms.

Choose the Right Production Partner

For those considering hiring a video production company, choosing the right partner is critical. The ideal company should not only have technical expertise but also a profound understanding of corporate marketing dynamics. They should be able to offer innovative ideas that perhaps challenge traditional norms but still resonate with your target markets.

A good partner will help you navigate the complexities of video production, from concept development through to execution, ensuring that the final product is polished, professional, and on-brand.

Leverage Multi-Channel Distribution

Having a multi-channel distribution strategy is essential. This involves more than just uploading to YouTube; it means strategically placing your content across multiple platforms where your audience is most active, including social media, your company website, email newsletters, and even paid advertising channels. Each platform may require different formats or messaging tweaks to optimize engagement and effectiveness.

Measure and Optimize

Next, to maximize the impact of your video marketing strategy, it’s important to establish standardized metrics for measurement and engage in continual optimization.

Start by defining clear key performance indicators (KPIs) that align with your original objectives—whether those are increasing brand awareness, improving engagement, or driving conversions. Common KPIs include views, engagement rates (likes, comments, shares), watch time, and click-through rates.

Utilize advanced analytics tools to track these metrics across all platforms where your content is distributed. This includes not only social media and YouTube but also embedded on your corporate website and within email marketing campaigns. By integrating analytics with your broader marketing data, you gain a comprehensive view of how video influences your marketing funnel.

Analyzing performance data allows you to identify which ones resonate most with your audience and why. Look at the correlation between video content and user behavior—do certain topics, formats, or lengths drive more engagement or conversions? Use A/B testing to experiment with different aspects of your content, such as headlines, calls to action, and even thumbnails, to see what maximizes viewer interaction.

Furthermore, it is also crucial to assess the qualitative feedback from your audience. Monitor direct feedback to gauge sentiment and gather insights into viewer preferences and expectations. This qualitative data can be invaluable in refining your content strategy to better meet the needs and interests of your audience.

Lastly, ensure that your optimization efforts are repeatable. Video marketing is not a set-and-forget strategy but a dynamic component of your broader marketing ecosystem. Regular reviews of your content’s performance should inform ongoing strategic adjustments, helping you adapt to changing consumer trends and technological advancements.

A proactive approach to measurement and optimization will help solidify video as a cornerstone of your marketing strategy, driving sustained engagement and business growth.

Educate Your Team About Your Strategies

For organizations looking to replace an internal team or contemplating between hiring an in-house expert versus an external agency, it’s important to educate your existing marketing team about the benefits and processes of video marketing. Training sessions, workshops, or even collaborating with experienced video marketers can elevate your team’s capabilities and ensure everyone understands how this content fits into the broader marketing strategy.

Final Thought

For businesses, particularly those with significant revenues, integrating video content strategically into marketing efforts is not just about keeping up with trends. It’s about taking a proactive approach to engage customers, enhance brand perception, and drive business growth.

By understanding your objectives, knowing your audience, planning content strategically, choosing the right production partner, leveraging multi-channel distribution, continuously measuring impact, and educating your team, you can ensure that your content serves as a powerful tool in your marketing arsenal.


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3 Mistakes that Business Make Related to Video

3 Mistakes Businesses Make in Video

3 Mistakes That Business Make Related to Video

Why Is This Important?

Video is an indispensable tool in the corporate arsenal, serving to engage audiences, showcase brand strength, and simplify the delivery of complex business messages. Yet, the journey from concept to execution is fraught with potential pitfalls that can undermine a project’s success. This guide identifies three common mistakes made in video production, explores why these errors occur, and outlines multiple strategies for each, ensuring your video content achieves its intended impact.

Undefined Video Objectives


A frequent oversight is entering into a video project without clearly defined objectives. This lack of direction can lead to content that fails to address any specific audience needs or business goals, resulting in poor engagement and wasted resources. Videos created without specific goals tend to lack focus, resulting in content that neither resonates with the target audience nor meets business needs effectively. This can lead to viewer disengagement and diminished returns on investment.

Why It Happens

Businesses often rush the pre-production phase due to tight deadlines or underestimation of the planning required. This haste leads to vague, unfocused video content that may lead to failure before it even begins.


Strategic Planning Session: Before any filming begins, conduct a preproduction meeting to map out the video’s purpose, determine what must be included, what can be excluded, etc. The reason we mention what can be excluded is that sometimes saying everything is like saying nothing. No information will be retained by the viewer if there’s too much information.

In the meeting, the focus should be on deciding whether it’s for brand awareness, lead generation, or customer education.  Doing this early in the process guides the remaining production choices.

Consult with Stakeholders: Engage various stakeholders within the company, including marketing teams, sales departments, and executive leadership, to align the video’s goals with broader business objectives.

Set Measurable Targets: Define what success looks like for the project. Whether it’s views, shares, or direct leads, having measurable targets helps focus the video’s content and allows for success evaluation post-release.

Ignoring the Target Audience


Videos that fail to consider the specific preferences and challenges of their intended audience often miss the mark, leading to disengagement and ineffective communication. Videos that are not audience-specific can come across as generic or irrelevant, failing to engage viewers or inspire action.

Why It Happens

There can be a disconnect between the video creators and the actual market needs, often due to insufficient research or a one-size-fits-all approach to content creation. Sometimes an unclear target audience description or needs analysis is causing this.


Successful video content speaks directly to its audience’s interests, needs, and challenges.

Audience Research: Invest significant time in understanding your audience’s demographics, preferences, and pain points. Tools like surveys, social media analytics, and customer feedback provide valuable insights. The more you can speak to these during the preproduction meeting, the better.

Persona Development: Create detailed buyer personas that represent your typical audience needs. Tailoring your messaging and presentation styles to these personas can greatly enhance the video’s relevance and appeal. Speak to your audience’s preference, pain points, and typical online behavior. Use this data to craft videos that address these aspects using their tone and some visuals that resonate with their demographic.

A/B Testing: Experiment with different versions of your video with small segments of your audience to determine which resonates the most. This feedback is crucial for fine-tuning the final product.

Compromising on Production Quality


Skimping on production quality can tarnish your brand’s image and send a message of unprofessionalism, significantly affecting the video’s reception and effectiveness. Poor quality (audio or visual) can severely undermine the perceived value of your brand and message. It’s too competitive out there, don’t let your branding quality remove you from competing.

Why It Happens

Budget constraints or a lack of understanding about the importance of high-quality production standards can lead businesses to cut corners. Ultimately, the client is in control, but our job is to ensure quality is as high as possible.


Hire Professionally: Even with limited budgets, using high-quality video production teams who have the proper equipment for the production phase can make a substantial difference.

Skilled Professionals: Hiring experienced videographers, directors, and editors can elevate the production value of your video, enhancing its professional appeal. This applies to the quality of items like clear audio, stable and high-definition visuals, good lighting, and professional editing. These items, together, elevate the viewer’s experience and enhancing the credibility and appeal of your content.

Post-Production Focus: Allocate sufficient resources to editing, which can significantly improve the quality of the final video, making even less-than-perfect footage look exceptional. This is where the magic happens and where we believe we stand out.

Conclusion: Easy Fixes to these Mistakes

Navigating the complexities of video production requires a keen understanding of what can go wrong and how to steer clear of these pitfalls. By defining clear objectives, deeply understanding your audience, and refusing to compromise on quality, your business can produce compelling, impactful video content. Reflect on these questions to further enhance your approach:

  • How can we better integrate video content into our overall marketing strategy?
  • What are the latest trends in video production that we should consider for future projects?
  • How do we measure the success of our videos more effectively to ensure continuous improvement?

By considering these questions, businesses can not only avoid common mistakes but also continuously elevate their video production efforts to better meet their strategic goals.


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How Promotional Video Can Grow A Professional Services Business

Promotional Video for Professional Services

How a Professional Services Company Can Use a Promotional Video to Grow Their Business

Video is king, we know that. Promotional Video is even better for business. What are businesses doing to grow their professional services business? Since more people are consuming information and making purchasing decisions based on the videos they watch, promotional video is a great place start to your marketing plan. We believe this is especially true for professional services companies.

A well-made promotional video can help a professional services company to:

  • Introduce their company and services
  • Showcase their expertise
  • Build trust with potential clients
  • Generate leads and sales

If you’re a professional services company owner, you may be wondering where to start when creating a promotional video. Here are a few tips:

1. Start with a clear goal

What do you want your promotional video to achieve? Do you want to introduce your company to new potential clients? Are you looking to showcase your expertise in a particular area or generate leads for a specific service?  Reviewing profitable lines of service might be a good starting point when trying to decide on what to talk about in the video. Once you know your goal, you can start to develop a script and storyboard that will help you achieve it.

2. Focus on your target audience

Next, who are you trying to reach with your promotional video? Once you know your target audience, tailor your message and visuals to appeal to them. Be specific when talking to them. For example, if you’re targeting business owners, focus on how your services can help them to grow their businesses. Think about how you fit into their daily world and how you can minimize their problems.

3. Highlight your unique value proposition

What makes your professional services company different from the competition… your unique value proposition that you offer your clients. The promotional video should highlight what makes your company special and why potential clients should choose you.

4. Use high-quality visuals

Your promotional video should be visually appealing and engaging. If you run a professional services business, you must portray a level of expertise. You cannot cut corners by using stock video. Make sure the video production company you hire shoots your b-roll in your offices, etc. Using high-quality b-roll video makes your video stand out from others. We highly recommend working with a professional video production company to create your video.

5. Call to action

Most important is telling your viewers what you want them to do after watching your promotional video. Visit your website? Contact you for a consultation? Sign up for your newsletter? Make sure to include a clear call to action at the end of your video. And, make the call to action measurable. We’ve had clients request the call to action remain generic, but how can you measure your success unless you can see if viewers did what you asked them to do.

6. Frequency

If you’re going to run advertisements using your video or videos, you need to think frequency. You can’t run the ad 10 times and think that will provide you with leads. You need to run it a lot to get people to recognize who you are and what you do.

Use a Professional Video Production Company to Create a Promotional Video

Creating a high-quality promotional video can be time-consuming and expensive. If you don’t have the in-house resources to create a video yourself, it’s worth working with a professional video production company.

A professional video production company, like Plum Productions can help you to:

  • Develop a creative and engaging concept for your video
  • Write the script and storyboard
  • Capture and edit your video
  • Use the right music (and sometimes sound effects)
  • Create a video that is optimized for search engines

If you’re serious about using video to grow your professional services business, then investing in a professionally produced video is a wise decision.

How to choose a professional video production company

When choosing a professional video production company, there are a few things you should keep in mind:

  • Experience: Make sure the company has the experience needed to achieve your goals.
  • Portfolio: Review the company’s portfolio to see examples of their work.
  • Testimonials: Ask the company for testimonials from previous clients.
  • Pricing: Get quotes from multiple companies before making a decision.

What Type of Video Content is Right for a Professional Services Company?

When creating a promotional video, we recommend the following types of content:

  • About Us: Your company’s mission and values
  • What We Offer: The services you offer
  • Videos Your target audience and how you can help them
  • Case Studies or Client Testimonial Videos

You can also use your promotional video to highlight any special offers or promotions that you’re running.

A promotional video is a great way for professional services companies to introduce their company and services, showcase their expertise, and build trust with potential clients.

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Elevate Your Business with Corporate Video Production

Staying ahead of the competition is critical to your business’ success. One powerful tool that can give your company the edge it needs is professional corporate video production. It will elevate your place in the market.

The Power of Corporate Video

Video has become the king of content because it’s engaging, memorable, and highly shareable. This makes it the ideal medium for communicating your brand’s message. Whether you’re targeting potential clients, investors, or employees, a beautiful video can convey your story and values like nothing else.

Plum Productions

First, at Plum Productions, we specialize in corporate video production for companies of all sizes. With years of experience under our belts, our team of creative minds and technical wizards is here to transform your ideas into compelling visual narratives.

Second, what truly sets us apart is our ability to seamlessly integrate into your company’s operations. Sometimes, we even take over your existing video production employees, ensuring you get the highest quality service without the stress of managing your employees.

The Plum Productions Corporate Video Difference

  • Fresh Perspective – When you hire Plum Productions, you’re not just getting a the visuals; you’re getting a fresh, outsider’s perspective. We approach your project with a creative eye, offering innovative ideas that may not have been explored within your internal team. This outside perspective can breathe new life into your brand’s story.
  • Exceptional Quality – Quality is non-negotiable. Our team is dedicated to delivering high quality videos that align perfectly with your brand’s image and goals. From scripting to post-production, we maintain the highest standards throughout the entire process.
  • Enhanced Experience – We pride ourselves on clear communication, collaboration, and a commitment to exceeding your expectations. Our goal is to make the process seamless, enjoyable, and stress-free for you.
  • Efficiency – Time is money, especially in the business world. With Plum Productions on your side, you’ll benefit from our streamlined processes and industry expertise. We understand the importance of deadlines, ensuring that your projects are completed efficiently and on time, every time.

Successful Corporate Video - Plum Productions

The Urgency of Excellence

Finally, staying ahead is crucial. Corporate production isn’t just about staying relevant; it’s about setting the pace. Plum Productions is your key to unlocking the full potential of your brand through the power of video.

Don’t wait for your competitors to seize the opportunity. Contact us today and let us transform your corporate production into a force to be reckoned with. Elevate your brand, engage your audience, and make your mark in the corporate world.

The time for excellence is now. Let’s embark on a journey of creativity, efficiency, and exceptional corporate video production. Your brand deserves nothing less!


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Best Restaurant Video Ideas

Best Restaurant Video Ideas - drinks

You’re here because you likely asked yourself how to create a restaurant video or should I create a restaurant video.

In the restaurant business, there are essentially four ways to increase your sales:

Restaurant Video Idea for New Trial

Marketing activities related to new trial are used to acquire new customers. One way to get new customers is through referrals or recommendations. Getting a recommendation from a friend is one of the top ways to increase new trials. So how does video fit into this? Consider this:

One way is to send an email campaign to your current customers asking them if they like the restaurant enough to share their experience with their friends. The location should craft a message (let us know if you need help) that informs the viewer what it is they should do to share their experience. Is it do a review on Google or Yelp or TripAdvisor? Is it forward this message to a friend? There are several more, but you get the point.

Ask your customers to create their own video or photo and post it to your social media page (you’ll be monitoring, of course). Ask them to tag their friend when they do. If the friend shows up at the restaurant, ask them to show you the video and their name…give them a special price, dish, or drink. You’ll get the whole town talking about you.

Restaurant Video Idea for Building Frequency

Now it’s time to get them back in the door. Your image and reputation are critical. Before you can expect someone to return, it is important that the dining room, the kitchen, and the bar all performed to the expectation of your customer. Before they leave, you probably already asked them what they would have improved about their experience. This is important later, in your marketing materials, because you’ll want to focus your message on the things people were positive about while you work to improve items that detracted from their experience.

If you’re a large scale operation, it can be tough to get good feedback. It is critical to get email addresses from your customers to answer a survey. Keep it simple. Add a layer to this tactic by creating a video with a message of, “We want to know what you thought of us… and please be honest” can significantly increase the likelihood of getting the survey filled out. Make sure you ask about their food and beverage experience individually and collectively. Try to keep the survey to less than 2 minutes to fill out.

Incredible customer service always brings them back. Consider a quick service restaurant where each meal is made to order. What if you noticed a person coming back after their first time. The staff should recognize this, thank them for returning and ask them if they’d like to try the same meal they did yesterday with the same toppings…and list them. You’d have to jot notes down the day or two before when they came in but if you rattled off their favorite toppings before they ordered, they’d be impressed! That’s full service for your customer!

Restaurant Video Idea for Increasing the Check Size

Create a secret menu only the staff knows about. This menu should contain a drink, side, or topping that matches the flavor profile (and costs a little extra). Every dollar counts in the restaurant business, and by suggesting a drink or side dish because they taste so good together, the average check size increases.

Enter video. Your advertising should match that concept. we’ve never seen a restaurant commercial with a single item focus…there’s always a matching side dish or drink. Need help creating the right flavor profile and video? We can help you there too!

Restaurant Video Idea for Increasing the Party Size

Technically, you’re in the entertainment industry. So you should be the place to bring friends. Encourage it often…with every couple or group of four: “Please bring your friends next time.” Perhaps it’s a coupon that is for parties of 6 or more or it’s an advertisement that suggests that parties of six or more “Have more fun and get a free appetizer to get you started!” The ideas are limitless when it comes to how to increase the party size and every one of them can be supported by a video.

When it is time to ramp up the sales after we’ve come out of quarantine, let us know which area you’d like to focus on and we’ll help you get it done with video.

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Image by bridgesward from Pixabay

Hotel Video Production Marketing Strategy

hotel video production, woman at resort hotel pool with drink

Hotel Video Production

Are you worried about how to fill the rooms? Are you unhappy with your online reputation? Do you have a desire to improve the online engagement levels with your website? Have you been anguishing over trying to get the rooms to look exactly how a guest will find them when they arrive, but you haven’t been able to create a strong marketing campaign that shows a potential guest what they can expect. Should you use hotel video production strategies to fill the rooms?

Sometimes pictures are enough, sometimes they are not.

We’ve got you covered. In this post, we’re going to share with you how creating the right marketing plan and business strategy can incorporate solving several of the above issues. Hotel video production and marketing involves several facets of activity like social media marketing, online advertisements, print, billboard, and other levels of marketing that will drive traffic to your hotel.

We’re sure you’ve done focus groups and have learned about the needs of your guests and you’ve reviewed the Ps of Marketing, but we’d like to suggest that there are a few elements that may have been missed. Potential customers obviously want to know what the location looks like, but do pictures clearly show and/or explain your products or services. Do they do it adequately enough that one would not be surprised when traveling. When we travel, we’re often surprised by the difference in photos an the actual location.

Every aspect of the tourism industry should be maximizing video to their advantage. Here’s why. When someone plans a trip to places like Boca Raton, Palm Beach, Naples, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, or Key West, they do a lot of research.

Just like you do marketing research, their research includes things like what does the hotel look like? What do the amenities look like? What about the room, what should I expect to see and feel when I enter the room? Video shows people all the elements that are important to them.

What is the Marketing Process to Maximize Sales?

If you want to attract more guests to your hotel, you’ll want to show off the grounds, the rooms, the amenities and use social media platforms to increase the likelihood of being found by a potential guest during their search. When you define your marketing to incorporate what your guests want, they’re more likely to buy. While product price can impact a guests decision, if they see, hear, and feel the value, they are more likely to spend a little more to enjoy their vacation.

Reputation is critical in the hotel business. Hotels rarely survive a long-term negative leaning review score. No amount of advertising or video can offset poor scores. If the reputation is bad it’s time to make some operational improvements and hold off on any sales and marketing activities. You’ll only make more people mad by having them show up and be disappointed.

The process of maximizing sales is in a strong process. The process should include high quality video, appropriate placement with an appropriate spend and help potential guests understand what it is they’re looking at and why they should book your hotel for their next vacation.

Loyalty, Engagement, and Services – Fort Lauderdale Hotels

Marketing includes featuring a locations strength to their advantage. If you are a Fort Lauderdale hotel that has luxurious amenities, a relaxing and beautiful spa or an impeccable golf course, it’s critical to showcase that. If you have nearby attractions or nightlife that is important to the attractiveness of your hotel, show that too. Does your food stand head and shoulders above your competitors? You should feature Instagram-worthy video of your specialties.

Hotel Video Production: Increase Hotel Loyalty Using Video

Marketing can refer to reinforcing a positive visit. What if after a guest leaves, they receive a personalized standardized (yes…do both) video that thanks them for visiting. What if you had several videos that were at your disposal to email after their departure that mentioned an amenity or service they used?

What if they used your spa and the video you send to them afterward mentions that you’re glad they were able to use the spa and that you hoped they enjoyed their experience. How powerful is that? Would they know it wasn’t made specifically for them but that it was made only for those who visited the spa? You have the data, use it!

If you’re wondering how to make these things happen and more (yes, we have a lot of ideas related to improving loyalty and reputation), we’d be happy to talk about it with you. Give us a call and we’d be happy to work through all of these areas with you. As a South Florida video production company, we’ve seen and been a part of a lot.

The hotel/hospitality business can be frustrating, but it can also be rewarding. If you’re struggling to figure out how you should be using video, let us help you by working through our marketing strategy session and let us craft a plan with you. You control the direction, we’ll provide the creative that works.


Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

How to Produce and Execute Creative Video Marketing

Creative video marketing

Creative Video Marketing

If you’re looking to add digital marketing to your campaign or advertising mix, one of the elements that will float to the top in terms of importance is creative video marketing. In this blog post we share our thoughts on creating the right marketing mix and the right creative marketing video to produce the results you’re after. First, let’s talk a little background. If you already know this, you can always skip ahead to our thoughts on the How To’s below.

What is Video Marketing?

Video Marketing is simply the creating and using video to promote a product or service via various marketing channels (such as social media and broadcast, etc.). Typically video marketing incorporates an educational component directed to a specific target audience and a call to action.

Why is Creative Video Marketing Important?

The year 2020 will become the year that video reaches a new level of importance for businesses of all sizes. Businesses will start to incorporate video into their overall advertising and marketing strategy. If your business has a marketing team, they should have incorporated a video marketing strategy into their overall strategy.

One of our predictions in 2020 is that video will become so important that several businesses will be adding a video editor to their team. Sometimes this is the right move. Sometimes it isn’t. We say this because we have worked with several businesses who simply tell their employees what to do without a long-term strategy or purpose. Any video marketing campaign must have a purpose or it will simply be a waste of money. We hate to see companies waste money.

We did a little research and found that “more than 50% of consumers want to see videos from brands … more than any other content.” (Source: https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/video-marketing). And, our clients tell us that conversion rates increase dramatically when video is present on landing pages or product landing pages. If you want to improve click through rate and conversion, you simply have to incorporate video into the mix. Whether its an explainer video, social media or customer testimonial, video is valuable to the consumer or buyer. These build trust and convert.

What Are Some Types of Creative Video Marketing: 

Before you hire a video production company you’ll want to have a general idea of what type you want to create. There are several and not all are right for every occasion. Imagine arriving on a landing page and finding an educational video…how would that impact the potential sale? Probably very little, but if a testimonial video was there, you’d notice an impact. Here are a few examples:

    • About Us / Branding / Corporate Introduction Video. These videos typically help the viewer understand who you are as a corporation or how a product works. This is usually used once the prospect has arrived on your page (landing or otherwise). These videos are also important tools for a larger, over-arching branding or advertising campaign. The goal is usually to increase awareness of your company or product. A good example of Corporate Introduction or Branding Video is this one.
  • Blog, Educational, How-To, or Word Videos. These types are used to teach the viewer a new topic or idea. Why would you want to do that? The better they understand the topic, the more they want to learn. The more they want to learn, the more they might realize they don’t know and need to hire a professional. These videos are usually used to demonstrate knowledge or professionalism and build additional trust before a purchase or call. This is also referred to as content marketing, where the person on camera wishes to be viewed as an expert in his or her industry. By the way, search engines love this type of content because you’re helping people learn more about a topic. Here’s an old example of one we did many years ago. It stands the test of time!
  • Interviews. Sometimes interviewing the office expert can demonstrate a level of knowledge that your competitors can’t show. If you have someone that is called on industry-wide because they have been doing it for so long, this might be the right type of video to display.
  • Explainer videos. These are a step beyond the educational style because they go beyond helping people learn a tidbit of information, this video might include a longer storyline that helps the viewer understand how something will help them or where they can visualize themselves with the problem and how to get it solved.
  • These have become rather popular in the past couple of years. When we get calls about animation, we hear that people think these are much cheaper than live action video production, but that isn’t always the case. For example, you can use something like Toonly or Doodly to create reasonably inexpensive (even cheap!) animations, but they’re usually for very small budgets. (By the way, if you want to try them out, use the links above and we’ll get a small commission without costing you anything extra!) When someone wants to create something more realistic or true-to-form, an animation can be about the same as a small live action production; therefore, depending on what you’re looking to create, always consider both options when it makes sense. Sometimes it is more difficult to show something live action than to animate it…that’s when we recommend animation. It saves you time, money, and headaches later!
  • Client Testimonials / Case Studies. Sometimes prospects want to know proof of concept. Rather than having to show them what you’ll do for them, show them what you’ve done for others in a similar situation. We recommend using your actual clients who were happy with your results to provide you with an on camera testimonial or have them walk the viewer through a case study. Either way, the viewer needs to understand the problem they faced and how you helped solve the problem.
  • Behind the scenes. Do you do something that is cool to see or hard to imagine? Sometimes give people a peek behind the curtain can make them want to be involved. For example, manufacturing doors can be pretty boring, but what if you manufactured high-end doors? Wouldn’t it be cool to see the process and how the magic happens? This might be one of those times a behind the scenes video would work well.
  • Social media. Our recommendation is to produce one or more of the above and create shorter social videos to share on the various platforms. If you a create one of the above options, always have the production team edit a short version for social media. By doing so, you can give a tease to what you are doing/showing and make them want to watch more on your landing page or home page. Find out if there is interest by getting them to take steps closer to making a call, such as coming to visit your website.

So now the question is which one do you want to produce and why? If you work with us, we’ll help clarify which one to create and why. There are other variations of the above video too, so don’t think you’re limited to one of the above.

Once you’ve decided, you’ll need to decide on who will shoot it. We obviously would recommend hiring a professional for this (and maybe that’s why you’re reading this article) but you might also be able to shoot it yourself. If that’s the case, you might want to take a look at our creative director’s YouTube Channel for ideas on how and what to shoot. If you’re looking for a crew and don’t know where to start, you might consider using our checklist of things to know before you hire a professional video production crew. It contains tips and questions to ask before you hire them.

Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or just want some ideas! We love coming up with awesome content ideas for our clients!


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How to Generate Sales Leads with Video

sales, handshake

Investing in video may or may not be a difficult decision. Some think of video as a tool in a larger process to help prospects work their way to a purchase. Others think of video as a line item expense that must have a return on the investment. Both are technically correct, but which one you are can determine if you view video as a good thing or simply an expense (therefore a waste of time and money). In this post, we’ll consider both and how to use video to generate sales leads.

Video as a Tool

If you view video as a tool, you’re probably one step ahead of your competition already. You know that it is necessary to make a solid connection with your prospect and may even know how to use video to guide them through the process. While you might still consider video production a line item on the P&L, you also recognize there isn’t always a direct correlation between watching a video and making a purchase, except in certain circumstances. For example, product videos on product pages have been tested and found to have a strong correlation to purchase intent and making a purchase (source: https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/EJM-11-2016-0619/full/html). Those who believe video is a tool in a greater process of marketing also understand that it is more difficult to measure the impact of a video advertisement when use as a YouTube ad or on broadcast television. It’s difficult because the viewer can’t be directly tracked when they call (except by some savvy video marketers who do it right by using specific phone numbers in their videos, etc.). What video does is reinforces the several other tools being used to get a potential buyer to heed a call to action and make the call.

Video as an Expense

On the other hand, if you believe that video is simply an expense and must have an ROI, you feel like every dollar spent must retrieve a multiple in return. This is a great way to ensure success, but it can also be a difficult way to grow a business. When we grew as a company, we knew we had to invest in some high-quality equipment. We borrowed a little money and invested it into a high-quality 4K camera and other equipment. While this was difficult to do at the time and it showed no direct return on investment; however, it has provided us with high-quality footage that helps us stand apart from our competitor…thus nudging the prospect one step closer to giving us a call. Is there a direct correlation? No, but that camera has made Plum successful and allowed us to grow. This is something that is difficult to measure. The same goes with video content.

How to Use Video to Generate Sales Leads

The ultimate goal of generating sales leads is obtaining contact information (such as an email address), bringing a buyer to a landing page, and bringing the prospect to the sales team. While you can achieve this via text-based pages, the conversion rate may not be as high as a highly interactive or engaging lead generation process. By creating video, you will begin the prospect on a journey to discovering their needs and ultimately giving you (or someone else) a call. The next question might be, “What video do I need to create?” Whether it’s a YouTube video, a video for your website, or a video series, it must be interactive. Let’s explore the types of video you should consider for your business. Below are the types of issues you might be trying to resolve along with the type of video that will help you illustrate that you can solve it.

Trust and Confidence. Typically, people or businesses trying to build trust and confidence are the professional services field. These individuals are trying to illustrate how they can achieve goals for their clients and want to do so with a high level of authenticity. Videos that can capture the individual’s genuine personality are videos like Testimonial, About Us, and Meet Me videos. These videos usually include the person or people involved in the process achieving the client’s goals. They introduce the viewer to the people involved, explain what they bring to the job that’s special, highlight experience and credentials, and include personal details to help the viewer feel comfortable and connected.

Establishing Credibility. If you’re trying to accomplish this, you’ll want to explain why you’re covering the topic, talk to the viewer, and leave them wanting more. This type of video is typically a case study video, explainer video, product demo video, or advice video blog.

Product Explanation. A product or service that is a little more complex and requires some more detail typically needs a product demonstration video. These videos typically explain why the product exists, highlight specific components of the product, and show the end result or effectiveness of the product. These videos can be highly effective the more complex the product or service.

Recruitment. If you’re trying to recruit more and better talent to the organization, you might try a Culture video or a Position Profile video. A culture video will provide the viewer with a strong sense of what it’s like to work at the company. The position profile video is like combining a job description and job posting while showing some of the important elements of the job. Be very explicit that you are hiring and be sure to include specific details about benefits. Most of all, make it fun! Lastly, these get the best results when shared via social networks and social media. You might even be able to create this using some existing video you already have!

If you have any questions or comments, please reach out to us! We’d be happy to answer any questions!

What To Do To Maximize Your Investment In Video Production

return on investment in video

Regardless of your financial goals, there are several steps you’ll want to take to maximize your investment in video production. You’ll need to consider time, money, and resources before and after you start. We know its common to hear that your company should be using video to leverage your business growth. If you aren’t using it by now, you might be leaving some money on the table. The key is knowing where you want to use your video and how you do it. In this post, we’ll share some common issues and problems that people face when maximizing ROI.

Common Issues that Affect Your Investment in Video

Too Many Options

Too Many Production Companies. If you’ve never created video before, you’ll find you have hundreds of options to choose from in terms of video production companies.

Content Ideas. The next issue will be what you want to create. Do you want to create a marketing video? Social media video? Product video? There are several ways to slice up marketing content that it can quickly become overwhelming.

Where to Place It. The next issue will be where to place the video (or videos). Very quickly, you’ll learn there are thousands of places to publish your video…and each one will have their own reason for doing so. All of this shouldn’t stop you from deciding to move forward. It’ll be worth it.

Getting More From Your Investment in Professional Video

Who is Your Audience?

Think about something you’ve watched in the past that really resonated with you. Why did it? It might have been because it was about something you wanted to learn or know more about, the person speaking was personable and they may have described the world you see in a similar way. Maybe they spoke in terms or jargon you’re comfortable with. Or maybe they had the same or similar personality as you. When creating your video, you’ll want to know who your audience is, what they like or dislike, what they need to know, why they need to know it and how they like to be spoken to. Use that information to compile the viewer’s demographics, location, where they consume information, and what social media outlets they view most. The more you know about them, the better you can speak to them.

Your Viewers

  • There are several types of personas that you might be speaking to, for example, you might be dealing with a “Give me the information, get out of my way, and let me decide” type of person. This might be someone who is at the top of the corporate structure, like a CEO or similar level.
  • You might also be speaking to someone who is more interested in learning about how your customers feel about you. They might want to read or see more reviews about the business. These are the ones who need to obtain verification that they are making the right decision. They like to include others in their decision making and reviews are a good way to get this information.
  • Another common viewer might be a detailed, technical type. They want facts, figures, and as much data as possible to make the decision to pick up the phone to call. This type of person needs to have support data incorporated into the video so they can make an appropriate decision.

Regardless of the type of viewer you’re reaching out to, you’ll want to craft a message that taps every type of personality possible. Perhaps there is a way to show and describe important information to a couple of personality types at the same time. Use all of this information to craft a solid script. We typically take care of script writing for you, but, we work with all types of clients; some who like to do it themselves and some who want to have someone take care of it for them. The next step will be to craft a solid shot list that must be captured to illustrate what is being said and targets each persona.

The Video Production Process

The video production process contains several components: pre production, the shoot, post production, and delivery. During the pre production stage, you’ll deal with the persona, the long term goals of the video, and what video content that should be created. Investment goals are important before we start so we know what needs to be set aside for the production and what needs to be set aside for the placement of the video(s). During the shoot, we’ll deal with the shot list, the camera operator, the equipment, the location, and any talent that is important (whether it be from the team or hired talent). Finally, during the editing process, we’ll deal with the video editor and any post production items required to complete the project.

So what is the key to maximizing your ROI? We find that clients who work with us to understand why they’re creating the video, where they plan to use, and how they plan to place, we can help streamline that process to improve their ROI. When clients can’t answer these questions or don’t want to share this information, there can be a little hiccups and changes along the way that can increase costs…not because we want to, but because we didn’t know something and had to backtrack or make significant changes. We write this to share with you so we can prevent this from happening to you.


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How to Setup YouTube Channel for Business

Setup YouTube Channel, youtube logo

How To Setup YouTube Channel

YouTube is the second largest social media outlet in the world. Other than Facebook, there is none larger. Getting your YouTube channel set up correctly is important for several reasons. In this post, we share how to setup YouTube channel. First, it’s your brand. If you’re hosting your videos on YouTube, this is the primary way people will judge your ability to keep your brand intact. Second, it shows consistency. If you can demonstrate a high level of consistency within your brand, you’ve shown you have what it takes to stay organized. Do your clients want to know you’re organized? Our guess is they do.

What this post covers is what you’ll want to do past the initial set up. We know there are a lot of resources out there that will help you set up your channel initially, but once you have it set up, what should you do? This post will give you a checklist of sorts of what you should to do maximize your channel. Here we go!

Once you’ve followed the basics of setting up your channel, there are a few tips we’d like to share.

  • Channel Art. You’ll want to set up channel art to give your channel a branded look. The recommended size right now (2018) is 2560×1440 px, with a safe area of 2048×1152 px. YouTube recommends a file size of 4MB or smaller. This helps in the load time and cuts down on their storage needs. NOTE: make sure any text or logos you want to have displayed is in the safe area. If you create the recommended size, there is a safe area within that every device (or at least a vast majority) will allow the viewer to see.
  • Social Media Links. Once you’ve set up your account, you’ll want to link it to other assets, such as your website and your other social media pages. Currently, YouTube has a specific list of social media pages you can link to, including Google Plus or Google Pages, so you’ll want to make sure those are set up. Also, keep in mind these links, once set up, show up in the bottom right portion of the Channel Header Art, so keep that in mind when designing the header. If the social links cover important information in your art, like a phone number, it won’t be visible.
  • Icon. Add the icon in the top left. It’s not always visible on every platform, but it helps to have it there. Most people use their logo, others use their head shot, but in the end, its up to you.
  • Enhancing the Channel.
    • Optimize the Description. You’ll want to write a brief, high-level description of what your channel is all about. It should use keywords and incorporate specific statements as to what the channel is about. Google’s algorithms have gotten pretty smart when it comes to text, so this is important. Don’t include statements that are unrelated and always have a call to action. The call to action might be to visit your website, watch a certain playlist or video, or call a phone number.
    • Add Channel Trailer. A channel is less effective if it doesn’t have a trailer welcoming or describing the channel. You may not think you need one, but here’s why you do. When someone arrives at your channel, they may or may not know what your business is all about. They may not understand how your channel is organized or what is important for them to view to get a better understanding of who you are and what you do. The channel trailer will guide them or give them some reference as to who you are and why the channel is helpful to the viewer.
    • Add Links to Channel. These links (described above) help Google verify and solidify who this channel belongs to, who it’s associated with, and builds the web of links you want Google to know and understand to improve your website and channel optimization.
    • Playlists. Adding playlists is one of the ways you can tell your visitor you care about them. You’ve taken the time to organize your videos into bite-sized pieces to help them digest your message. Playlist are just that: a way of organizing similar videos and you should do it for a few reasons:
      • Organization. We’ve said it once already, but this helps the viewer know which videos relate to each other.
      • Get Discovered. When playlists are organized, YouTube (Google) knows that each of the videos in the playlists are related, therefore have a higher probability of getting discovered organically. When someone searches for a topic and you’ve titled a video with that search phrase, YouTube might bring up your entire playlist.
      • Related. Again, because they’re related, the viewer can dig in as deep as they like to learn more about the related topic.
      • Session Time. No, this is not the beer type of session, it’s the time they spend on your channel. If someone lands on your channel first (organically or directly) and then spend some time on your channel because they’re nosing around in similar videos, you get extra credit for keeping on your channel longer. Longer sessions usually mean credibility for Google/YouTube. Layer on top of that, YouTube will even reward you if you draw someone to your channel and then move off your channel to another channel. You get extra credit for bringing the viewer to YouTube (at one point, the entire session time they spent on YouTube was given to you, not all the other sites if they visited you first).

For a couple of examples, we’ve selected one channel that has some missing pieces (but otherwise might be ok) and another that does it very well. For starters, let’s look at the channel that is missing a few pieces. We’ve removed their logo and name to protect their identity.

Image of YouTube Channel page that's missing a few components

So here are a few points to consider on this channel. First, there is an inconsistent image for each video. You’ll see on the next example, how a consistent image can be created. Second, and this is something you can’t see in this image, they don’t have playlists created.  As a visitor, you might not know which video you need to watch, but if you knew that four of the list of videos were about a specific topic you came to learn about, you’d find it helpful. Third, the trailer did not have a call to action and did not incorporate a general message for the business. It was more of a moving PowerPoint presentation, which is fine, but less effective when it comes to getting the viewer to take action.

To see a good example of a YouTube Channel, we’re going to use our sister business My Video 101’s YouTube Channel.

Example of a good YouTube Channel layout

For this channel, we see some helpful things right from the start. First (green arrows), the header image is information about the channel and what to expect. For businesses, we recommend an image with a message that makes sense for your branding. On this example, we also see the social media buttons are set up. Second, this channel has playlists set up (see yellow circle). They use several: Vlogging Advice, Product Reviews, Technical Tips, and Behind the Scenes. Helpful if you only want to learn about one area of the channel, right? Third, this channel has consistent branding across all videos (see blue check marks). While each topic is different, each video looks similar, yet a little different. Consistency is pleasing to the eye and helps the viewer feel at ease when searching through the videos.

With just a few tweaks your YouTube Channel can improve your image and increase views. Take the time to set up your business channel the right way so you get the most out of your channel.




DreamGrow (https://www.dreamgrow.com/top-15-most-popular-social-networking-sites/)
Gravity Search Marketing (https://www.yourseoplan.com/benefits-of-creating-youtube-playlists/)
YouTube Support (https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/2972003?hl=en-GB)

Buffer (https://blog.bufferapp.com/create-a-youtube-channel)