Free Guide to Improve SEO With Video On Any Business Website

Video helps website SEO

Yes, Video On Your Website Improves SEO

Can video improve your SEO ranking in search? We find that it helps in an indirect way. Having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses to reach their target audience and stay competitive.  Search engine optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in ensuring that your website ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs). While there are many strategies to boost your website’s SEO, one often overlooked method is incorporating video content into your business website.

The Power of Website Video

Video has become an incredibly popular form of content consumption and an effective means to promote or convey a message. According to recent studies, 85% of internet users in the United States watch online videos regularly. Additionally, over half of consumers want to see more video content from the brands they support. We’ve even seen a rise in introduction videos.

From product demonstrations and customer testimonials to behind-the-scenes footage and educational tutorials, video allows businesses to communicate their message effectively and engage with their audience in such a way that builds trust and creates a connection between the business and the viewer. By adding videos to your website, you provide visitors with diverse media options that cater to different learning styles while keeping them on your site longer…leading to improved SEO.

The Impact on Website SEO

It’s no secret that search engines love rich media content like images and videos. When it comes to ranking websites, search algorithms take various factors into account – including user engagement metrics such as time spent on site and bounce rates. Video easily adds time spent on your site while they view your content.

A well-optimized video embedded within your webpages can significantly enhance these metrics by increasing dwell time – the amount of time users spend actively engaging with a webpage before returning back or navigating elsewhere. As visitors stay longer on your site watching informative or entertaining videos related to their interests or needs, it signals search engines that you have valuable content worth promoting.

Title Tags: Incorporating Keywords

Title tags play an essential role in helping both users and search engines understand what a webpage is about. Including relevant keywords in your video’s title tag can improve your website’s visibility on SERPs for those specific terms.

For example, if you have a video tutorial on “how to bake a cake,” incorporating the keyword “cake baking tutorial” into the title tag will increase the chances of your video appearing in search results when someone searches for that particular topic. This increases organic traffic to your site and boosts SEO rankings.

Video Transcriptions On Your Website: Boosting Keyword Density

In order for search engines to understand what a video is about, it’s crucial to include transcriptions or captions. Not only do they provide accessibility benefits for users with hearing impairments, but they also contribute to SEO by enhancing keyword density within the page itself. While YouTube usually generates a transcript automatically, the transcript typically does not embed into your site; therefore, you should embed one yourself.

Crafting accurate transcriptions that capture key phrases and industry-specific terms directly related to your content helps search engines recognize the relevance of your videos and webpages more effectively.

Social Sharing: Increasing Backlinks & SEO

One major factor that affects SEO is backlinking – when other websites link back to yours. By having engaging videos on your business website, you increase their shareability across social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. When viewers find value in these videos and share them with their network, it generates more exposure for your brand while creating valuable backlinks – ultimately contributing positively towards improving SEO rankings.

Here’s an interesting video that helped one nonprofit understand what they do with their 5k Race in raising funds to help those in need. This video lived on a website that kept people engaged because it was fun to watch, entertaining, informative, and visually appealing.

(Did that entertain you? Did you watch some of the video? You just spent a little more time on our blog post, didn’t you?)

The Mobile Advantage

In recent years, mobile usage has skyrocketed globally. Over 50% of online searches now come from mobile devices rather than desktop computers. Websites with embedded videos are proven to be more mobile-friendly compared to pages filled solely with text-based content or heavy images since they tend not only load faster but also offer an interactive experience without overwhelming small screens or draining data plans excessively. This mobile advantage further enhances user experience, which search engines prioritize when determining SERP rankings. A seamless mobile experience that incorporates engaging video content will help your website rank higher in searches conducted on smartphones or tablets.

With mobile use increasing so dramatically over the past decade and the ability to stream video increasing at the same time, any business can catch the potential customer when they want information. The new SEO is really about being the solution to their problem (search) when they need it.


We believe that integrating videos into your business website is a powerful SEO strategy that can significantly improve both user engagement and organic search rankings. When you optimize your video’s title tags, include transcriptions for improved keyword density, and leverage the shareability of videos across social media platforms to increase backlinks, you create an online environment that can captivate visitors while boosting the visibility of your brand on search engine results pages.

Incorporating video content is not just optional – it’s an essential component of any successful digital marketing campaign. Start harnessing the power of video today to enhance your SEO efforts and connect with your target audience. If you don’t, your competitors will.


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Four Strategies for Video Marketing on LinkedIn

Video Marketing on LinkedIn logo

Video Marketing on LinkedIn

Video on LinkedIn has 3 times the level of engagement versus regular text posts. You read that right, three times! This tells us that if you’re trying to stand out against your competitors, video is the way to go. For this blog entry, we’re sharing with you four types of video you can use on LinkedIn to market your brand. We’ll also pepper in some strategies for using video marketing on LinkedIn.

Initially, LinkedIn seemed a little behind the times when it came to video because they didn’t offer native video posts until the year 2017, well behind Facebook, Twitter, and the rest. But that’s not true anymore. To define native video, they are videos that are uploaded directly to their server and shared on their platform. If you upload a video to YouTube and share it on LinkedIn, LinkedIn may not treat that post the same as if you upload it to their server and shared on their platform.

Does it Work on LinkedIn?

We also learned that LinkedIn videos perform better in terms of watch time…meaning LinkedIn videos have more views once they’re posted versus other platforms. Your connections on LinkedIn will watch your videos because they’re closely related to business, which is what your LinkedIn audience is primarily focused on. They’re not looking for what you did this weekend or what you ate for lunch; rather, they want to learn more about you and how you can help them.

When creating video content, you’ll want to consider this before crafting your message. We know this will come as a surprise, but no one buys because they viewed your video. They buy because they’ve been convinced (by the video) to pick up the phone and call you (a.k.a.: engagement). Since people buy from people, you’ll want to incorporate into your marketing strategy a call to action. Posting a video and adding a call to action will ensure it performs better than those that do not contain a call to action.

Here are the top 4 video marketing strategies on LinkedIn

  1. Answer an FAQ. Consider your target audience. What do they want to learn? To get to a common list of FAQs, you can simply think about your current clients/customers. What are the most common questions they ask you when or before they work with you? For us, they typically ask questions like, “Can you help me write a script?” or “What color shirt should I wear?” or “Where should I upload this video?” To add a layer to this tip, you should also post this video on your website’s company page…specifically the FAQ section. You can share each video (if you have more than a couple of FAQs, we’d recommend a video for each) on LinkedIn. Again, by posting one FAQ video there, you can drive traffic to your website and increase brand awareness.
  2. Case Study Video. There is nothing better than sharing what you did for a client or customer. You can take this to the next level by sharing a video where the client speaks to the issues they’ve been struggling with and how things changed once you’ve engaged with them. By having the client tell their story, you’re gaining credibility from the viewer. Consider this, which do you find more credible, sponsored content or a client sharing how they benefited?
  3. Share a Breaking News Update. If you’re a campaign manager, you’ll want to incorporate into your social media strategy a breaking news segment. Has something changed in the industry? Has something improved in your business? Have you hired someone new who can help you improve your client’s experience? If you’re a real estate agency, you might talk about the latest trends in staging or home sales or mortgage rates. If you’re an air conditioning company, you might share new tax implications to buying a new unit or upcoming government regulations affecting new units moving forward. Whatever the topic, your social platform should reflect your level of experience and knowledge of trends to warrant a breaking news video on occasion.
  4. LinkedIn Video Ads. Whether you’re a product or service, crafting a LinkedIn message that considers your target audience’s needs and wants can provide a substantial return on investment. Video ads are one of the last ways you should use video on LinkedIn. We say this because there are several ways to use video without additional costs before you should find the need to promote the video to your followers (or outside your network). Our guess is you haven’t reached every one of your connections directly (whether via phone call or email) to introduce yourself or ask if they’d like to talk more.
  5. BONUS: Introduction Video. Why not craft an introduction email that you can email directly to your contacts? We wouldn’t recommend spamming people, rather, why not send a short video to say thanks for engaging with me on LinkedIn? Or thanks for connecting with me and let me know how I can help you? These are effective tools to help you better connect with your contacts and help them better understand what you do. They can be generic in nature and captured professionally and are sent directly to your contact once you’ve connected. Make them warm, personable, and inviting. Be a partner, not a salesperson.

We hope these tips are useful for your LinkedIn experience. Whether you’re answering an FAQ, helping a potential client understand what you’ve done for others, sharing a breaking news article, or crafting the perfect video ad, it all comes down to engaging with your prospects or referral partners. The more people understand who you are, what you do, and why you do it, the more connected they feel.


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