What Should Be In A Business Video?

Business Video Defined

A business video is a powerful marketing tool that can help a company to showcase its products or services, educate its audience, and build brand awareness. When creating a business video, we believe you must consider what elements should be included in order to make the video effective and engaging. Here are some of the items we believe are critical to your business video.

What Should Be In A Corporate Video?

  1. Clear & Concise Messaging – First and foremost, a business video should have a clear and concise message. This means that the video should have a specific purpose and objective, and this should be conveyed to the audience in a clear and straightforward manner. The message should be tailored to the target audience and should address their needs and concerns.
  2. Strong, Compelling Story – In addition to a clear message, a business video should also have a strong and compelling story. This means that the video should tell a compelling and engaging story that captures the attention of the audience and keeps them engaged throughout. The story should be relevant to the business and its products or services, and should be able to connect with the audience on an emotional level.
  3. Visually Appealing – Another important element of a business video is visual appeal. This means that the video should be visually appealing and should use high-quality graphics and images to help convey the message. The visual elements should be used to complement the story and the message, and should help to engage the audience and keep them interested in the video.
  4. Good Audio – A key element of business video is the use of audio. This means that the video should have clear and professional audio, with good sound quality and no background noise. The audio should be used to reinforce the message and the story, and should help to engage the audience and keep them interested in the video. In fact, we believe you shouldn’t even notice the audio. It should be good and not distracting. 
  5. Follows Branding Guidelines – A very important element of a business video is the use of branding. This means that the video should incorporate the company’s branding elements, such as its logo, colors, and fonts. This helps to build brand awareness and establish the company’s identity in the minds of the audience.
  6. Call To Action – Most importantly, a business video should have a strong call-to-action (CTA). This means that the video should include a clear and specific call-to-action that encourages the audience to take some sort of action, whether it is to purchase a product or service, sign up for a newsletter, or visit the company’s website. The CTA should be clear and concise, and should be placed at the end of the video in order to maximize its effectiveness. You should also consider tracking your call to action to determine if and what works best for your viewers. You might even think about using an A/B test to determine how to best craft your messaging. 

In summary, a business video should have a clear and concise message, a strong and compelling story, visual appeal, good audio quality, branding elements, and a strong call-to-action. These elements, when combined effectively, can help to create a powerful and engaging business video that helps to showcase the company’s products or services, educate its audience, and build brand awareness.


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