
TwinLab is a giant in the supplement industry.  They use video to promote their wide range of products and to define their corporate culture.  They call on Plum Productions often, sometimes for trade show videos, some for web use. Each product has its own branding, and Plum works to adapt and create custom looks for each.


  • Create a Corporate Culture video that tells the storied history of TwinLab.


  • Create custom and upbeat product videos for a variety of TwinLab Brands.


  • Educate consumers about the benefits of Twinlab supplements.


What Plum Did

  • Location Scouting
  • Videography
  • Editing
  • 3D Animation
  • Graphic Design
  • Music Licensing

The Final Products

tcc employee outdoor
small image of animation of reveratrol
womans face

Behind The Scenes

  • Shooting TwinLab’s Corporate Culture video was a multiple day endeavor.  We worked with so many members of their amazing team and made them look (and hopefully feel!) like superstars.

    We love working on Twinlab’s product videos.  Their individual lines each have great branding, vibrant colors and sassy storylines.  Plus we get to flex our 3D Animation muscles which is always a good thing.

Lessons Learned

  • Collagen production starts diminishing after your 30th birthday. Beauty sleep is a real thing. Inside every cubicle crusader is a movie star just waiting to break out.


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