Video Production For Business in South Florida

How to Harness Video for Business

It is amazing how so many people are using video for business. Whether your business is small or very large, using video to improve digital marketing efforts is the trend, and is likely not going to go away. Whether companies are creating promotional tools or educational segments it’s important to keep in mind that it must be engaging and worth watching.

In this post, we’ll cover some tips for making great marketing videos to how to harness the power of video marketing to get results in your business. We’ll cover which videos are must haves and which videos are nice to have, but not as critical so that you can focus your time on getting results quickly.

Tips To Creating Awesome Marketing Videos For Business

There are several elements that must be present in a quality business video. Besides shooting with a quality camera, using quality audio, and inserting supporting shots, there are some important aspects every video needs to have. First, it must have a message or a story.


The real message may not be what you think. What are you trying to convey? What is the point of creating this message? These questions seem obvious, but we’ve had clients ask us to create a video for the purpose of having a video, but when it came time to using it, it wouldn’t drive results. We knew it wouldn’t create results because the video just spoke AT the viewer, not TO the viewer. We helped them craft a message that spoke to the problem people face and how their product was the solution by telling the right story. Here’s an example of a video that does exactly that.

Video Mission vs. Product Mission

What we mean is you want people to relate, not watch. Viewers only relate when they put themselves into the story. We created a nonprofit video a while back that was shown at a breakfast. The crowd was engaged because it supported the mission of the organization and everyone could put themselves into the situation that was being described. When the video was done, people were wiping their tears because they could imagine themselves facing the same problem…that it could happen to them. They realized they needed to give to the cause because they could just as easily be in need and that others in the future may too. We were told this was a highly successful event. Here’s the video:

Where To Use Video For Your Business

Once you have the video, where you put it and how you use it can make a difference. If you simply place it on your website, how will you drive traffic to your site? If you’re placing it on YouTube, how are you doing the proper research to make sure the video will be found? Are you using all the tools at your disposal? If you’re using the video in your email program, are you measuring click-through and other data points to ensure you know what’s working, what’s not working, and what is producing the results you desire?

Are you using video to create a blog post? Answer questions for potential customers/clients? Or are you just posting video to post video? If you don’t have a measurement component toward a goal, we would not recommend investing money or time into video. It’s important to keep measuring results versus goals as often as possible when posting video.

If we can help you create video for your business at any time, we’d be happy to help! Post any question you may have and we’ll see if we can answer them for you.


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